Chapter twenty three - kidnapped

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After paying a visit to Dimmock, we retreated back to Sherlock and John's flat to see if we could put all the pieces together; there wasn't much else we could do anyway.

I closed the door behind us, and Sherlock leads us to the pictures over the fireplace straight away. "Can't we at least have a cuppa first?" I whined. "They'll probably be back in China by tomorrow anyway."

"No, they won't leave without what they came for. We need to find their hide-out; the rendezvous." He said, walking closer to the photos and staring at them intensely. "Somewhere in this message it must tell us."

"Well, I think perhaps I should leave you to it." Sarah began suddenly, realising she wasn't needed. I don't lie, I just nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, it's probably best if you left."

"No, no, you don't have to go..." John started, giving me a look before looking back at Sarah. "You can stay."

"Yes, it would be better to study if you left now." Sherlock retorts, almost simultaneously as he looks pointedly at Sarah. John just throws him another dark look.

"He's kidding. Please stay if you'd like."

"...Is it just me, or is anyone else starving?" She questions after an short, awkward silence. I roll my eyes.

"Christ." I muttered, turning my attention back towards the wall of pictures. It wasn't that she was a bad person; I'm sure Sarah was all shades of nice. But she wasn't the type of person I got along with, there was something about her that annoyed the hell out of me. 

"Yes, uh, I think we all are." John states a little loudly, probably aimed at me and Sherlock. 

"Evidentially not." I replied, not meaning to sound as rude as I did. I couldn't help it, there was something about Sarah that bugged me. She just seemed a little too.. bubbly? Out-going? Ordinary?

"Well I am." I hear John say, "I'll go make us something to eat. I'll be back in a minute."

And with that, John exits the room. Leaving me and Sherlock with this intruding woman we hardly know.

"Why can't we figure this out?" Sherlock groaned, picking up a few of the photos and pictograms from the walls before placing them down on the dining table. We both took a seat at the table whilst Sarah stands nearby, looking over our shoulders.

"Maybe it's something to do with the dialect." I mumbled, rummaging through some of the notes on the table.

"So this is what you three do? You solve puzzles for a living."

Sherlock raised his head and seems a little offended, but doesn't turn around to look at her. "Consulting detective." Sherlock answers Sarah tetchily.


"I'm also a barista but yeah, I'm also new to the crew."

"That's interesting -- so you like, solve crimes or something?"

"Yeah, basically." I answer, setting the photograph of the brick wall aside. Sarah steps closer and points towards the Chinese numbers on photograph of the wall. 

"What are these squiggles?"

I notice Sherlock stops what he was doing for a short second, and I can tell he's trying his best not to commit murder. It was quite amusing to behold.

"They're numbers. An ancient Chinese dialect." He tells her, still not bothering to look at her.

"Oh, right! Yeah, well, of course I should have known that!" She responded sarcastically, picking up the photograph. Sherlock glares at her, anger lacing his beautiful eyes. And Sarah continues to talk as if she was oblivious to his rage. "So these numbers -- it's a cipher."

"Yep." I answer tightly, taking the photograph from her. However, before I place it back on the table I notice something different. Two of the words had been translated. It was what me, Sherlock and John had been searching for.

"Sherlock." I begin, my hand gently grabbing his forearm to get his attention. "Each of these numbers is a word."

"What?" Sherlock asks with disbelief, "How did you know that?"

"Two words have already been translated by someone." I said, passing him the picture. 

"John, look at this." He calls out, standing up from the table just as John enters to room and approaches us. "Soo Lin at the museum – she started to translate the code for us. We didn't see it! "NINE," "MILL.""

"Does that mean 'millions'?" John inquires, squinting at the photo slightly as he tried to understand it.

"Nine million quid. For what?" Sherlock talks to himself thoughtfully, before turning around and going to where he had dumped his coat and scarf. "We need to know the end of this sentence."

"Where do you think you're going?" I folded my arms and narrowed my brows at him like a concerned mother. 

"To the museum; to the restoration room." Sherlock replied as he put his coat on, before grimacing in exasperation at himself. "Oh, we must have been staring right at it!"

"At-at what?" John wonders, confused.

"The book, John. The book – the key to cracking the cipher! Soo Lin used it to do this! Whilst we were running around the gallery, she started to translate the code. It must be on her desk."

And with that he's gone, hurrying out of the flat. I stand there in disbelief. He couldn't even wait for me to get my shoes and coat on, and instead he leaves me third wheeling these two.

"He seemed like a nice guy." Sarah breaks the silence. I finally turn away from the door and stare between John and his date.

"Sorry, do you guys want some alone time?"

"No, it's-- we're not..." John trails on, his cheeks flushing slightly before averting his gaze towards Sarah. "I've got some punch and crisps in the kitchen. Not your usual mix, but it is nice!"

"Sounds lovely!" Sarah responds before the two go off into the kitchen. I decide to stay in the living room and try to get into contact with Sherlock by phoning his mobile, but after a couple minutes of trying to call him I still got no answer. Sighing softly, I made my way towards the sofa and sat down, typing a text message to the one and only.

"Ella," John begins, walking into the living room. "We're ordering take away, do you want anything?"

"I'm all right, thanks." I reply. He nods and pulls his phone from his trouser pocket before going back into the kitchen. I can hear him making a phone call whilst I finish of my text and hit send. The chances that Sherlock would actually answer was slim, but it was worth a shot. It was too late now anyway. Sherlock was on his way to the museum and I was stuck here. I might as well and make myself useful by looking through some of the information that we had piling up on the dining table.

Just as I stand up, the door bell rings.

"That was quick." I state just as John walks nonchalantly into the living room.

"I know right? We should order from there more often." He responded before making his way downstairs to answer the door. I wasn't even sure where he ordered from, but I guess it didn't matter that much considering I didn't want anything. I found it odd how quick the food came though -- the nearest takeaway must be at least ten minutes away. 

I brush it off and sit down at the table, flickering through a few pictures and re-reading through a few notes again. My phone buzzed in my pocket, indicating that I had a text. I pulled my phone out in hope that Sherlock got back to me. However, before I had the chance to read it, a couple of anrgy-looking men charged into the room.

And they were heading straight for me.

AN: I just wanted to say sorry for not updating! Also, I apologise for how tedious the story has started off. I've tried to alter the episodes a bit to fit Eleanor in them, and I promise some new stuff will be on it's way soon! 

Until then!

- KP

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