Chapter seventeen - Lucky cat

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Some time later, me and John have already retrieved Lukis' diary from Dimmock and were now on the streets of London, following the details Lukis had written in his diary, trying to retrace his steps. 

"So, it's here somewhere." I mused, looking over Johns shoulder at the address in the diary again before glancing around. I turn on my heels to get a full three-hundred and sixty degree view to make so that I don't miss what we're looking for, but before I got the chance to investigate further I accidentally collided with someone. I let out a small grunt, hating myself for getting distracted to the point that I wasn't watching were I was going.

Turning around to apologise, I realise it was Sherlock. "Fancy meeting you here!" Was all that slipped from my lips, looking as surprised as John was. 

"Eddie Van Coon brought a package here the day he died – whatever was hidden was inside that case. I've managed to piece together a picture using scraps of information..." Sherlock began in a quick fire, not stopping to say hi. 

"Sherlock." John spoke up, trying to tell him what we found out from Lukis' diary.

"Credit card bills, receipts. He flew back from China, then he came here."

"Wait, Sherlock--" I tried, but he cut me off.

"Somewhere in this street; somewhere near. I don't know where, but--"

"That shop over there." John quickly said before Sherlock could stop him, pointing to the other side of the road. Sherlock looks over towards the shop, then back towards John with a frown.

"How can you tell?"

"Lukis' diary." John informed, showing Sherlock the entry. "He was here too. He wrote down the address."

Sherlock turned his head again to glance at the shop. "Oh."

"Come on smart guy." I gave him a tap on the shoulder before making my way towards the shop that was only over the road. I looked back over my shoulder for a short moment and gave Sherlock and John a smile as I saw them following after me. 

We enter a touristy shop which consists largely of decorative cats which are sitting up on their hind legs with one front paw raised. Some of the cats raised paws are waving back and forth, and I must say being surrounded by so many lucky cats gave me an uneasy feeling.

"Hello." John greets the female Chinese shop keeper politely. In return she just picks up one of the cats from the desk she was standing behind.

"You want lucky cat?" She asked.

"No, thanks. No."

"Ten pound. Ten pound!" 

"No." John repeated, smiling awkwardly. Me and Sherlock send a smirk his way, before looking back at all the items on display.

"I think your wife, she will like!" The shop keeper presses on, causing John to shake his head.

"No, thank you." He says once more, walking over to one of the tables which has small ceramic painted handle-less cups on it. He picks one up and I walk over towards him to get a better look myself. Suddenly, his hand begins to tremble when he notices the price tag. I raise my brows.

"It's okay, I'm sure your wife will understand that you can't afford to buy her a cup." I joked with a playful smirk.

"No, Ella. Look." He starts again, showing me the price tag underneath it. I don't really understand what got John so worked up about the price written in Chinese, but then I realise. 

It looks similar to the symbol painted beside Sir William's portrait and the library shelf.

"Sherlock, come see this." I speak up, catching his attention. Sherlock joins us within a matter of seconds, his tall figure looking over mine to see what the problem was. "The label there." I say, nodding towards the cup in John's hand.

"Yes, I see it."

"Exactly the same as the cipher. " John states, before clearing his throat awkwardly and putting the cup back on the shelf where it belonged. I gaze up at Sherlock, and he just lifts his head. As if something clicked in his brain -- like it all started to make sense.

"Okay," I started, meeting his beryl eyes. "Explain."

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