Chapter 3

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DST 2: ch 3

    I walk out of school clutching Blake's notebook in my hands. I look around groaning not spotting Cameron or his car. I sit on the curb fine with waiting, but mad from leaving my headphones at home. This means I can't pass the time by listening to music, so in other words I'm stuck here bored. I close my eyes taking in a deep breath relaxing in the silence. I feel a presence come close to me taking a seat on my left. I open my eyes looking to see its only Tom, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I smile at him, and he returns it without hesitation, but wait doesn't he have practice?

    "Waiting for Cam?" Tom asks.

    "Yeah, but don't you have practice?" I ask confused. He places a hand over his heart acting hurt.

    "That hurts Lyndsey. Am I not good enough for you?" He questions dramatically. I roll my eyes at him before shaking my head. I feel another presence come taking a seat on my right. I dare look meeting Drakes dull green eyes.

    "That didn't answer my question." I say looking back to Tom.

    "Practice was cancelled." Drake says. I look at him, and he smiles wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "So, what are you sitting here for?" He asks as I raise an eyebrow at him from his action, but he doesn't seem to notice. Tom chuckles, but I send him a glare causing him to try to stop. We hear a car speed in making us all look up to see my brother's red Mustang speeding into the parking lot. It parks right in front of us, and he gets out fast.

    "Get your arm off her." My brother growls threateningly, and Drake just chuckles looking up at him. I look at Drake with wide eyes trying to shrug his arm off, but with no luck. "Don't make me ask you again." Cameron spits. Drake lets me go standing up, and Tom pulls me up taking me a few steps back.

    "Why do you care?" Drake asks standing tall crossing his muscular arms over his chest. My brother straightens up glaring daggers at Drake. But if looks could kill my brother would be six feet under right now.

    "Lyndsey, let's go." Cam says taking a deep breath. I leave Tom's side stepping towards Cam. Drake steps in my way with his back to me. I put a hand on his shoulder, and I feel him relax a little.

    "He's my brother Drake." I say quietly. He turns his head to me looking into my eyes.

    "I'm sorry." He says before walking away. I stare at his retreating figure as he walks away.

    "Who the hell else would I be?" Cam booms. Drake stops dead in his tracks. I watch as he tenses up before slowly turning around to face us.

    "You could be any horny guy that wants to get in her pants." Drake growls out taking a step closer with each word. Cam tackles him to the ground causing a gasp to escape my lips as I stumble back. Drake flips them so he is now on top, and is punching my brother. I look away seeing Jason, and the guys, walking out of the school. I run over to them knowing they aren't afraid to get into fights. Jason sees me coming, and raises an eyebrow at me.

    "Help." I get out trying to catch my breath.

    "What?" He asks confused. I point to the fight, and see Jason follow my finger. "Shit. Guys let's go." He says leading the way. They jog over while I sprint back. Tom catches me holding me back as Jason and Blake try to pull Drake off of Cameron. I look away not wanting to look at my beaten up brother. Tom holds me close letting me hide my face in his chest.

    "Get your hands off me." I hear Drake spit. I think they listen because I can hear the shuffling of shoes grow fainter and fainter. I look to see him walking away then I look to my brother. He only has a bruising jaw and a bloody nose. Confused I look to the ground only to see that there is blood on the ground- on each side of where Cameron's head was.

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