Chapter 18

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Drake's POV:

DST 2: ch 18

Kitten and Cam have been living with Tyson and I for a week now. Tyson never wants to be in a room with either of them, which was expected of him. I stand up from my desk chair and start to pace the room. I've been hiding something from kitten only because I know what it would do to her. I don't know how to tell her without her hating me. I groan not wanting that to happen. I stop pacing as I hear movement outside the door.

    Gunner jumps up onto his feet ready for what is on the outside of the door. I turn to look at it a hand on the gun in the waistband of my pants. The door opens to reveal a familiar looking dark skinned woman holding a little boy in her arms. She looks worried and very unsure of what she is doing. "Drake." She chokes out, and it is then I notice her glassy eyes, and the blood coming from the little boy. I can't see his face, but I take her face in before it clicks.

    "Bianca." I say shocked. She comes up to me letting the door close showing me the little boy, who looks just like his father except for his mixed color skin. "What happened?" I ask as I notice his bullet wound on his side and arm. Blood is pouring out, so I take him using my hand to put pressure on it.

    "It was some other gang. The found out he looks just like Blake." She cries rubbing his head. Blake's son just lays there with glassy heavy eyes.

    "Get my phone on my desk and hit the speed dial number one." I say urgently. She wastes no time wanting her son to be okay. Suddenly Blake comes in and freezes in his spot taking in the seen. Bianca drops the phone in her hands as she takes in Blake. He looks to her before taking in his son.

    "What the fuck happened?" He booms coming over. His son reaches for him as his eyes brighten, and open more.

    "Daddy." He squeaks out. Blake's eyes become glassy as his son puts a hand on Blake's face.

    I look to Bianca to see she is old the phone I grab it quickly hearing the man on the line. "Romeo, we need your help." I quickly get out as I usher Blake and Bianca out the door. We get into my car, and I speed onto the road still on the phone.

    "What happened?"

    "Baby, he's shot twice." I force out as I run through the red light. Bianca is tell Blake in a rush what happened, and I can feel the anger come off him in waves.

    "How far away are you?"

    "Five minutes." I swerve between cars getting honked at. My hands grip the shell hard after I pass the phone to Bianca. I keep speeding not bothering to stop as police sirens start to follow is.

    "Fuck!" Blake yells as he clutches his son closer to him. I glance to him as I speed into the hospital parking lot. I pull to the entrance, but only to stop quick to let them out. They quickly jump out slamming the doors shut to the car as they run into get to Romeo. I park the car and get out only to be surrounded by police.

    "Put your hands on your head." An officer orders. I look to him my jaw set and hands fisted at my sides.

    "I'd rethink that if I were you." I warn.

    "Sir hands on your head!" Another one shouts.

    "I'm just going to check if the baby is okay." I tell them. They look to each other before they look back to me.

    "There is no one else in your car."

     "If you really were following closely you would see there was a couple, and their bleeding baby." They don't seem to believe me making me groan. "Why the hell else would I speed that much on the roads?"

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