Chapter 7

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DST 2: ch 7

    The cool night air chills my skin as I walk from the bar I fight at. I try not to limp, but I stop feeling eyes on me. My heart races as I search frantically for a person. With little to no light out here I can't see anything. I bit my lip before I start walking, limping, again. Suddenly someone has me in a grip and pins me to the near by ally wall. I hold in a groan from the pain as I stare into cold grey eyes. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone?" I'm too shocked for my fighting instincts to kick in, or to let her out.

    "Let me go." I beg, which only gains me a chuckle.

    "Oh, but baby I'm going to have my fun with you." He whispers in my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck making my body tense up.

"I think it would be best if you listen to her." His voice sends a wave of relief over me. I meet his green eyes, but they are dark almost black, and are almost as cold as the guy pinning me to the wall.

"Stay out of this boy." The guy throws over his shoulder. Drake stalks over jaw clenched tight. His whole body is tense, and I can see in his eyes he is out for blood. Fear spreads through me as Drake yanks the guy off before he starts mauling him. My eyes widen as I watch Drake beat the life out of the man. This can't be Drake. This is a blood thirsty psycho! I push myself off the wall and stumble back away from the scene. I trip as Drake freezes and looks to me. His eyes narrow as he rises off the bloody body. He walks, stalks, over to me with his hands clenching and unclenching his fists. He squats down to my frightened figure and smirks.

"Run." He orders. I waste no time running away from this crazed guy, who loves to spill blood. I can feel him behind me making me force everything in me to keep running. If he catches me I'm done for.

I bolt awake covered in sweat with tears in my eyes. My heart races as I take deep breathes looking around my room to try and calm myself. I feel something jump on my bed, but I know it is only Gizmo. She licks my face trying to reassure me. I smile at her petting her head, and I slowly lay back down. Gizmo settles herself next to me resting her head on my stomach. I close my eyes, but open them as fast as I can. Instead of being met with darkness, his eyes stare into mine. They are still dark and cold wanting to kill.


    I force myself through the school hallway to get to my locker. Kasey is anxiously standing there looking around constantly. She looks to me and her eyes widen. I reach my locker only to lazily do my combination. "You look like you've been hit by a truck." Kasey states bluntly.

    "Thanks, that's the look I was going for." She raises an eyebrow at me as I drop my backpack to the ground. "How are you doing?" I ask looking into her eyes. Her hazel eyes seem to darken before she blinks it away.

    "Lynds, we are still on you. I'm fine, though, it makes things a little better by how beaten he looks." She says smiling slightly at the end. I smirk at that knowing just how bad Cam beat him up. That little bastard is lucky I didn't track his ass down. If I was there he would be in the hospital right now.

    "That's good, and don't worry about me. I just had like no sleep last night." I shrug off.

    "Why?" I ignore her as I turn to grab a book from my locker. "Lyndsey." She says in a warning. I let out a huff as I turn to look at her. I shut my locker, and grab my backpack off the floor.

    "I had a nightmare, that's all." I tell her. She raises her eyebrow as she tries to see if I'm lying or not.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She offers.

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