Chapter 8

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DST 2: ch 8

I sigh sitting on the picnic table next to Blake looking out into the afternoon sky. Drake is swimming, and the guys are dealing with some gang stuff. Kasey went straight home wanting some alone time. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Who is Alan?" I sigh glancing around quick.

     "Alan is a friend of mine, who makes all the fights. Well, he is in charge of them."

    "You have a fight tonight?" I nod my head keeping my eyes straight ahead not wanting to see Blake.

    "Yeah, and one Friday."

"I figured that much. What do you plan on telling the guys?" I groan at the question not planing on saying anything other than a lie. "Some advice, they have been lying to people for years now, and probably longer than you."

    "How is that advice?"

    "They can tell when someone is lying." I frown looking to Gizmo seeing her playing with another dog, a pit bull. I smile watching her play, but I can feel Blake's gaze on me.

    "Well, I think I'm pretty good at it." I look to him. Blake rolls his eyes at me before letting out a chuckle.

"I'm only warning you once. If they see past your lie I wouldn't be surprised."

"Well sit back and be amazed." I laugh looking back to see Gizmo playing with some guy and his pit bull, and a freaking Rottweiler. I smile liking how theses so called aggressive breeds are happily playing in the park.

"Shit, call Gizmo. We have to leave." Blake says standing up. I look to him my eyebrows furrowing.

"What's wrong?" I watch him glance to where Gizmo is, so I look over too. My eyes meet the dark blue eyes of Mason West. The school's legendary bad boy. My eyes widen as his head tilts to the side. I know he fights, and honestly I've helped him before. Helped him get his girl back, but he doesn't know this side of me. He starts walking over making Blake groan growing stiff beside me.

"Don't say anything." Blake orders me.

"Sure." My voice sounding half sarcastic. Blake stands up making himself look bigger than he is as Mason comes up.

"Blakey." Mason muses. Blake lets out a breath before they do a bro hug. Gizmo comes and sits by my feet. I raise an eyebrow at Blake, especially for his nickname. Mason looks to me as he steps back. His eyes narrow before he gives me a once over.

    "Who are you?" I roll my eyes at him crossing my arms over my chest. "You seem familiar." Mason cocks his head to the side trying to figure it out.

    "What are you doing here, Mason? Shouldn't you be with your girl, who is carrying your baby." Mason snaps his head to Blake.

    "Mind your words, Blake." Mason spits, his body tense.

    "Oh stop it you two." Annoyance coats each word.

    "Oh, I see it now." Mason looks to me. I bite my lip looking to my dog. "Hiding, Devil's Assassin?" I snap my eyes to him, feeling them turn to slits.

    "Don't call me that here! I am Lyndsey." I seethe through gritted teeth. Mason chuckles looking amused as hell.

"Easy there. I thought you wanted nothing to do with Drake and his gang."

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