Chapter 10

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DST 2: ch 10

    I hurry out of the bar after my win with my heart racing. Why was he there? Did he know it was me? I quicken my pace not wanting him to catch up to me. I run to my car, well Cam's car, sighing in relief once I sit inside of it. I start the car and take off towards my home. Once I'm home I hurry inside feeling like I'm being watched. I can only relax once I am safely in my room. As soon as the car is parked I race into the house locking the door behind me.

    "What the fuck, Lynds." Cam groans rubbing his eyes. I bite my lip knowing I woke him from slamming the door.

    "Sorry." He looks up at me looking tried as hell. His eyes look me over for any injuries.

    "How did it go?" I smile at him.

    "What do you think?"

    "Congrats." He grins standing up. He raises an eyebrow at me seeing me fidget in my spot. "What's up?" I look to the ground taking a step from the door, and follow him into the kitchen. He grabs a water looking at me waiting for an answer. I look up biting my lip.

    "Drake was there, with the guys." I whisper. Cam's eyes widen, and I can see him start to freak out inside.

    "Did he know it was you?"

    "I don't think so, I hurried the fuck out of there." Cam groans running a hand down his face.

    "Damnit Lynds." A knock on the door makes us jump. My eyes widen looking into Cam's. "Go change." He orders. I run to my room as he heads toward the door. I quickly change my clothes, and wipe the lip gloss off. I carefully take the contacts out and take the wig off. Bitting my lip as it hurts from the shit I use to put it on.

    I put on sweatpants and a swim team tee shirt. Putting my hair into a messy bun I walk out to the main room. I can hear Cam talking to someone. I stop seeing a detective sitting across the table from Cam, and he has a folder with him. They both look to me, and I try to stay calm as the familiarity of him sinks in. He is Dylan's father, she is Mason's girl.

    "Lyndsey, this is Mr. Knight. He has some information on mom and dad." Cam says slowly. I walk over taking a seat next to Cam.

    "Good evening. I didn't mean to come this late, but this was something they wanted us to tell you now." I nod my head grabbing Cam's hand.

    "What is it?"

    "It's your mother." Cam and I both gasp looking to each other before looking back to Mr. Knight.

    "Is she okay?" I ask. My voice shaking at the thought of she not coming back to us. Mr. Knight lets out a long sigh before looking from me to Cam.

    "She was found in an alley. She is in a coma, with sever injuries. The doctors don't know if she will wake up." I feel the tears fall down my cheeks at his words. Knowing they found her even though she is in critical condition pulls at my heart. Cam wraps his arms around me as I start to sob. I can feel the tears he leaves as he cries into the crook of my neck.

    "Thank you." Cam gets out. We pull away sniffling as we wipe our tears.

    "Don't thank me. I'm just doing my job." He gives us a small smile. The doorbell rings making Gizmo bark from the back glass door. I head snaps to her before giving Cam a pointed look.

    "You kept her outside."

    "The girl I had over was afraid of her." He shrugs. Mr. Knight clears his throat as the doorbell rings again.

    "I'll be leaving now, as it seems you have company."

    "I'll walk you out." I offer standing up. "Cam, let Gizmo in." I sigh wiping my eyes some more. I can feel my tears drying, and feel them still fall. I walk Mr. Knight out to the door opening it to only gasp seeing Drake. His eyebrows furrow taking me in, and I can feel Mr. Knight look to me too.

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