Chapter 28

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DST 2: ch 28

My feet find their way to my father's office. As soon as I get to the door I kick it open, and there he sits in his chair. A coward hiding from his problems. I point the gun at him, and his eyes look shocked for a second before he points his own gun at me.

"Well played." I muse.

"Put the gun down princess." He tells me standing up.

"Only if you do."

"On the count of three?" He questions, and I nod agreeing. "One. Two. Three." But we both keep them up.

"Really?" I draw as I take cautious steps into the room. He lets me as he stands up.

"I know you want me dead." He starts. "Why bring Adams into it?" I laugh at his words.

"Dead? I want you to suffer. The hell I've been through, the hell you caused Mom. The monster you made out of Chris." I shake my head.

"Your brother did that on his own. And your mother was just a problem. She did her job she had you kids." My eyes narrow as my grip on the gun tightens.

"Don't talk about her like that." I warn. He rolls his eyes in response making me grind my teeth.

"Fine, but don't blame me for your brother."

"Why not? He looked up to you so fucking much. Did he tell you what he did?" I wonder itching to pull the trigger.

    "What are you talking about?"

"Chris and three others came to my house one night and raped me." I spit the words out as if they sting, because they do sting. They sting my tongue and my soul. He puts his gun down hearing my words. His jaw clenches as his mouth is closed his lips sealed tight. His eyes darken as he takes the news in.

"That was never supposed to happen." He states after a long period of time. My eyes narrow on him. "I didn't force him to do that, or any of the guys. Why would I make him do that!"

"Because you're sick." I spit at this repulsive man in front of me.

"I would never ever do something as low and as gross as that." He sounds offended which only makes my anger boil even more.

"Yet, you brought him into this life, and he was opened to those vulgar twisted ways." He shakes his head at that.

"I didn't make him come follow me. He came on his own. He liked the idea of killing and dealing, so I let him join. I needed someone to take over when I step down."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I ask appalled. "The Chris I knew wasn't a killer." I take threatening steps towards him, and he doesn't bother to pick his gun up. That's when I feel a gun on my back, and I can tell it's not a handgun.

"Back down." Is the order, but I just laugh at that. My father looks surprised at my reaction to the gun. I drop my gun after clicking the safety back on.

"You know when you put a rifle on someone you don't want to put it against their back. It makes it really easy to," I stop talking as I turn around quickly grabbing the rifle and turning it on him. "Do that." I empty it in front of him his jaw drops as he watches with wide eyes.

"How the fuck?" I hear the man behind me. I smirk at the young guy in front of me probably a year or two younger than me. I throw the other gun just staring at this guy.

"Who are you?" I order. He gulps trying to look around me to him. "Answer me, don't test my patients."

"Shep." He forces out, and I'm surprised by the confidence.

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