Chapter 13

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    "If you don't pick up that wrapper I'm going to shove it down your throat." I glare at Jason. His eyes widen before he picks the candy wrapper up. I give him a forced smile before looking back to his math work.

    "Lynds, can I talk to you quick?" Kasey asks me. I feel her behind me, which gains my attention. I look to her and see she only keeps her eyes locked on me.

    "Sure, lets go." I stand up. She smirks at me thankfully before we take off towards the other half of the lunch room. We sit down at an empty table, and I watch her as she bites her lip. She seems nervous as she plays with her hands. "Kasey, what's up?" I ask her. She glances towards the guys' table, so I do the same. Jason has his eyes trained on Kasey ignoring the guys.

"Lynds, it's Jason." She says looking to me, and I look to her. I raise and eyebrow waiting for her to explain more. "We have been kinda sneaking around. He wants to make it official so I quote "no one looks or tries to touch what is mine"."

"Holy shit. Awe Jason found himself a girl." I grin at her. Kasey gives me a pointed look at my statement.

"Lynds, don't you think it's too soon after Tom?"

"Nope. Considering you two have probably have done shit that couples do. This way you just have a label. Plus Jason won't let anyone say shit about it." I assure her. She nods her head glancing over towards Jason. When her eyes meet mine again she seems nervous.

    "Lynds," she sighs.

    "What?" She takes a deep breath looking nervous as hell.

    "He already took my virginity." My eyes widen at her.

    "Really?" She was with Tom for two years and never caved into it.  She nods her head turning a bright red. "Damn, did it hurt?"

    "A little, but after that it was amazing." I grin at her happy to hear she doesn't regret it. "I just don't want him to get tired of me and then leave." I roll my eyes at her.

    "He already put his claim on you. I don't think he is going to leave you anytime soon." She nods her head understanding. "Come on, let's head over to the table." She takes a deep breath before nodding her head. We walk over to the table where all the guys are, even Drake. When he sees me he grins. He wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me to sit on his lap. I laugh looking up at him, but stop hearing gagging noises. I look to see the guys all grossed out looking away.

"You two are so gross." Tony complains. Drake just chuckles kissing my neck. Damn this boy, and his neck kisses. I smack the side of his face making him stop.

"Sorry to not be like you, and just have one night stands." I shrug. His eyes widen at me as his mouth gapes open. The other guys laugh at him.

"Kasey, are you okay?" I hear Jason try to whisper to Kasey.


"Don't lie to me."

"We'll talk about it later." She whispers. I look over to them and smile.

"Jason, do you need more help on that paper?" He looks to me, then to the paper before he looks back to me.

"A little."


    I get on the block zoning everything out. I take deep breathes waiting to hear the official tell us to take our mark. His voice rings out on the speaker throughout the whole pool deck and observing bleachers. I take my mark and take one more deep breath before the buzzer sounds. I dive into the water keeping my streamline tight, and giving a good three butterfly snaps before breaking the surface with my stroke.

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