Chapter 19

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Lyndsey's POV: (might be triggering just a warning)

DST 2: ch 19

I leave the hospital knowing I have to be at school tomorrow. Bianca woke up before the guys got back, and was happy I was there. I talked to Romeo along about little Travis. He says time will tell at this point. Drake wanted to come with me, but I made him stay.

I get in my car and drive home. The thought to go fight pops into my head, but I know it won't be good right now. I can't even bring myself to drive to Drake's house. I keep headed towards where Cam and I actually live. Once I get there I race inside. I want to feel at home again and feel safe. The tears threaten to now escape my eyes.

    I run to my room and jump on my bed just as the tears leave. I freeze hearing a creaking noise. I try to stop the cries to listen, but it takes a little. As soon as I gain composure a figure stands in my doorway. I'm too freaked to scream or move. The guy steps forward and I can see three other men behind him. "Hello munchkin." He smirks.

    "Chris." I whisper with widen eyes. He has a cocky smirk on his lips as he steps towards me.

     "I think it's time we have some fun." He grins evilly. Before I can take action two men grab me tightly. Their nails dig into my skin as they pin me to the bed. The third one starts stripping my clothes off. I feel the tears leave my eyes again. This time for a new reason.

     I try to fight back, but to no avail. Fighting against strong men is what I do constantly, but never against four at a time. These guys are different with a different agenda. "Please don't!" I cry out as he removes my underwear. I can just hear them all chuckle. My eyes meet Chris's just as he stands over me.

    "Begging will only make it better." He whispers as he forces himself in. I scream trying to move, but I'm slapped hard. Pain overwhelms me as I can feel it burn. I cry knowing it was my choice to come back here, yet I did it anyway.

- -

    I open my eyes looking around my room. They are gone, and all I can do is cry from the pain. It's still dark out meaning I can still get to Drake's house. He can't know what happened. I start sobbing as memories flood back. I push myself off the bed so I can shower quick. I want to scrub myself clean of this. I want to forget about all of it.

I force my shaking body into the shower, each step agonizing. There is only one person I can tell, and I know they will keep it hidden. As soon as I'm done scrubbing my skin I turn the water off. My skin is now raw from the pressure I used to try to clean myself. I wrap a towel around me before I grab my phone. I send Kasey a text.

Come to my house, not Drake's. 911 don't say a thing to anyone

After I send the message I fall to the ground sobbing. Why did I choose to come back home? It's not safe anymore. Sobs wreak through my body making me shake. I stay wrapped in my towel not being able to move. I stay on the floor sobbing, and I don't know how long I'm there until I hear the front door.

    "Lynds!" I hear Kasey call. I sniffle looking towards the door.

    "K Kasey!" I call back as loudly as I can. I hear feet run down the hall. She gasps at the sight of me making me cry even more.

    "Shit. Lynds what happened?" I shake my head not wanting to say anything. I watch her take her phone out before she dials a number.

    "Please no hospital." I beg. She sighs nodding her head.

    "Hello, Dylan? Can you help me?" My eyes widen knowing Dylan might say something to Mason. "Okay, and please don't tell Mason. Drake and the guys must not find out." With that she hangs up her phone.

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