Chapter 9

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DST2 ch: 9

Drake's pov:

I walk into school my eyes already scanning the halls. They look for my kitten, and won't rest until they land on her. I stop spotting her with her friend, Kasey. They laugh before she looks into the mirror in her locker, and puts her blood red lip gloss on her perfectly shaped lips. I can feel a smirk forming seeing the color. She puts it back in her backpack rolling her eyes as she tells Kasey something.

"Drake, my man." I hear before a hand claps my shoulder. My head snaps to see who did that as my body tenses ready for a fight. I give Tom a pointed look making him get his hand off.

What do you want?"

"Dude why are you pissed at me?" He holds his hands up playing innocent. I roll my eyes before walking into him making him back up.

"You fucked up fucking some random chick, more than once, breaking Kasey's heart. Not to mention creating an enemy." My voice is low as his back hits the lockers. Tom looks towards my Kitten making me move my head blocking his view. "Eyes over here fucker."

"Why are you pissed though? And I know Lyndsey is going to fuck me up worse than Cam." I raise an eyebrow not getting it.

  "Wait, you don't know? Go to the bar in the bad side of town, and watch the fights there." He says before slipping away. I roll my eyes before walking over towards the girls. Fucking Tom thinks he knows me, but little does he know I go there often. I already plan on going tomorrow night to find someone to do dirty work for me.

"Good morning Kitten." I smile wrapping my arm around her shoulders. I can feel her body finally relax into my touch. She looks up to me, a smile still on her lips.

   "Well, I'll leave you two alone. Lynds, text me when you're leaving." Kasey says before walking away. I furrow my eyebrows looking into Lyndsey's eyes.

"Where are you going?" I can see her shut down on the inside a little bit. She just shrugs closing her locker.

"I have an appointment, and Kasey wants me to keep her updated." I grab a hold of her moving in front of her. I look right into her eyes before scanning her body. My eyes land back on hers finding nothing wrong.

"Is everything okay?" My voice is full of concern making the gang leader in me cringe. Kitten raises an eyebrow at me not used to seeing me like this.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"When is the appointment?"

"I'm leaving half way through last period."

"Call me after." I tell her leaving no room for argument.

"With what number?" I raise an eyebrow at her. Her cheeks turn red as she looks to the ground. "Never mind." With that she tries to walk away.

"Hey wait. Fair point, give me your phone." I tell her falling into step with her. She glances at me before, hesitantly, handing me her phone. I add my number in sending a message so I will have her number. A message pops up, which I click.

Time changed, come in an hour.

"Who the fuck is Alan?" I spit, shoving her phone in her face. She snatches it back reading the message. "Are you lying to me, Kitten?" She gasps, her steps faltering.

"Drake. It's not what it seems, and I know you will figure that out later. For now just trust me, and if you can't ask Blake." I feel my body start to shake as my hands ball into fists. I start to see red, and I start to leave to let off this steam. I stop feeling a grip on my sleeve hold me back. I blink my eyes looking into Kitten's brown ones.

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