Chapter Nine: Drive.

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Mind of mine is amazing. sHe, BeFour, rEar vIeW, dRuNk, TiO, all of it good. That's all I have to say about it. It's good.

Happy Easter :)

Twitter: @_nikkiofficialw

Now read : )

Chapter Nine: "Drive."

I WAITED FOR SEVEN o'clock to come. When there was a knock on the door, I turned off my phone and slipped in into my camera bag. I slung that around my neck as Maddy opened the door with a grin on her face.

Sam gave her a smile small and my lips parted at his attire. He wore a suit. A fancy suit. A black and white one and he looked really good in it. Like really good but I wasn't about to tell him that to his handsome face. I looked down at his shoes to notice he wore black converse. Although on another person it would seem weird, he made it work.

Then there was something different. "Your hair." My jaw dropped and I immediately took my camera out to capture this moment.

He quickly walked towards me and took the camera from my hands, putting it back in its bag. "Not yet. Plus you've been telling me to get a haircut for a while now and I finally decided too."

He took a step back so I could clearly take him in. His hair was still that curly mess on his head and the back were chopped off so that most of his hair was equal in length specifically in front. But the back of his hair was cut to the point where he didn't even have curly hair but the father you went up, his hair looked like it usually did. It sounded weird but it worked. Really, really well.

It also looked as if he had ran his fingers through it a billion time making that curly mess on his head into a wilder one. Not that I would ever tell him to his face but he looked hot. Like really hot.

He looked over to where I was sitting down on my bed. He had a small smile on his face grew and he took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair like he had probably done over and over before. I stood up and walked towards him.

My hands went to grip the jacket of his tuxedo as he was still staring at me from head to toe. "Whoa."

I-whoops Maddy and Stevie after we sent her a picture-went with a black dress I-Jasmine-had gotten a while ago and I never worn. I've never worn a lot of things in my closet. Let's face it I'm the type of girl who would probably wear the same shirt for three days in a week if she could. The black dress ended at my knee and hugged my body the entire way down. My hair was straightened and pushed behind my shoulders and my lips tasted like strawberry lip gloss, something I didn't ever bother using that much.

I smiled at Sam. "You don't look so bad yourself."

He rolled his eyes but leaned in to kiss me anyway. The second our lips touched I heard the shutter of a camera go off. I broke away to see Maddy holding her phone up. "I'll send you the picture later now go. Have fun you crazy people."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Maddy."

"Bye Mads." Sam said, pulling me out the doorway. As we went downstairs and ended up at the front of the building, he looked over at the camera bag hanging around my neck. "Bringing it again?"

"Memories." I told him, hooking my arm with his. "I like your hair."

"Am I still sexy as always?"

"You're okay."

He closed his eyes and sucked in a dramatic breath. "My heart. What a generous compliment, my love."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's get a move on."

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