Chapter Twenty Two: Look At The Size Of That Thing.

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Dedicated to wallflower_tris for the cover at the top, thank you so much💙

This chapter isn't really long but I didn't want to leave you hanging when I've had busy two weeks.

Chapter Twenty Two: "Look At The Size Of That Thing."

I ENTERED THEIR flat, closing the door behind me. I spotted Caleb on the couch, lying sideways and flipping through channels. "Hey princess."

Even though he was leaving soon, he had adjusted here pretty quickly. I knew he had been to England itself before so he knew and made Sam drag him to places all over even where I worked. He wouldn't leave and stayed with me for my entire shift because Sam had practice that night. 

"Hey Charming, where is he?"

"Bedroom." Caleb said before glancing at me and raising his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

I rolled my eyes, dropping my duffle bag on him in which he produced a loud grunt. Then I noticed that Caleb wasn't wearing a shirt, showing his tattoo covered torso nor was he wearing pants. His boxers were the blue ones...with ducks. "Really? You're still wearing those?"

"My ass looks great in these." He said with a grin. "They show my pronounced buttocks."

"You did not just say buttocks." I deadpanned, staring at the idiot in front of me.

"What would you prefer glutus ma-" I stopped him by taking my duffle bag and dropping it on top of his body again, making him whine.  

Ignoring Caleb's complaints, I made my way over to Sam's room. I found him lying on his bed, in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He had the phone hovering over his ear when his eyes darted over to me. "Yeah. I'll call you later mum. Bye."

He hung up the phone, sitting up and moving over to the edge of the bed. "How was your day?"

"I have a paper due on Friday and I'm almost done so that's fine."

"When was the paper assigned?"

"Like four hours ago."

"And you're almost done?"

"One of my classes was cancelled. I got lucky and really productive." I said, closing the door behind me as I walked over to him.

He reached his arms out and I gladly stepped into them. He pulled me into a position where my legs were by his sides. "You ready for exams?"

"No." I told him without hesitation.

He laughed, his hands coming up and holding my face. "I remember how stressed you were in grade twelve."

"I hate exams." I said, looking at his lips although I could still feel the intensity of his eyes without looking at them.

"You always do great on them because you actually study Hazel. You'll be okay. If you weren't stressing out that's when I think there'd be a problem."

I cupped his face in my hands, not helping myself by pressing my lips against his. Sam reciprocated kissing me back slowly but that's not what I wanted. I kissed him hard and felt his grip on me tighten as my hands roamed over his shirt. I needed to feel something, anything and his shirt was getting in the way. I ignored hoe eager I seemed  considering we had been in this position many times but today I was antsy.

I tugged at his shirt and he complied. Sam made me get off of him, taking his shirt off and throwing it on the other side of the room. Before I could see his torso, he stood, kissing me with full force. My breath was knocked out of me but I didn't care feeling the sensation of his lips against mine. Before I knew it my back was against the bed and he was crawling over me, his hands bringing the zipper of my sweater down.

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