Chapter Twenty: Caleb Is A god.

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Dedicated to Kriti_kt for the cover at the top, thank you so much : )

Chapter Twenty: "Caleb Is A god."

I WAS PROBABLY HALF awake the next morning when my door opened. I turned around, already feeling the discomfort in my lower stomach as Sam came into the room, shutting the door behind him and putting his helmet and a bag on the desk.

He tilted his head as we looked at each other and I was honestly wondering what possessed him to wake up so early. "You okay, love?"

I didn't answer and he took off that leather jacket of his before crawling into my bed with me, putting a comforting arm around me. "I feel like hell. I hate the second days."

"I know." He sighed, kissing the side of my head. He hands slipped under my shirt and he moved his palm against my back in a comforting motion. "Better?"

"Much better," I mumbled, closing my eyes and moving closer to him. "I see the helmet."

"Oh yeah, I really missed BS."

"Are you sending her over through cargo or something?"

"Nah, I'm going to keep her. Plus it's getting really cold back in Manchester compared to here anyway."

We laid in my bed for a while in comforting silence until someone opened my door, holding a pack of cards. "Macy, are you ready-" My grandmother stopped talking, looking at me over Sam's shoulder. "Are you okay, bella?"

Sam mouthed something to her and I buried my face in his chest as Gigi walked away probably to find something for me. I wasn't even paying attention. "Are you going to Andrew's today?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, and if he wants he'll come over today too. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back." I lugged myself out of my bed, grabbing clothes and toiletries before going to the bathroom.

When I was done everything and I had walked back to my room, I was kind of surprised when I see Sam twisted a soccer ball with his fingers on my bed and Emma and Justin sitting down on the ground, all of them talking.

"Um...what's going on here?"

Emma immediately gave me a hug and I gave her one back. "I barely had a chance to talk to you."

"I know, my brother keeps hogging you all to himself."

"Shut up." Justin said. He was about to launch a pillow at my head when Sam quickly took it from him, tucking it behind his own head.

"You know my sister's here right?" Emma asked me.

"Trust me I know." I said in disgust.

"Why can't you guys just get along?" Sam asked, turning the ball in his hands.

I turned my gaze over to him, feeling irritation. "You're kidding me right? We've been over this a hundred times."

"Especially during the summer." Justin muttered because he knew how much Alexis annoyed me whenever it came to Sam.

"She's over me," Sam tried to reassure me. "Besides I think she knows better than to come between our relationship."

"What's wrong with you?" Emma asked and I mentally high fived her for that.


"She's over you? She spent the whole plane ride here talking about you."

Sam stopped spinning the ball, shrugged then continued spinning it. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing the ball out of my hand and giving it to Justin. Sam looked up at me with innocent eyes as I crossed my arms, actually getting mad that he took this so lightly.

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