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Out the back of one of the larger buildings of the central business district, concealed by shadows a female figure appeared.

She was in Tripoli. 

She'd traveled a lot in her time wandering the earth and this just happened to be her closest safe place to Cairo.

She figured she'd only have hours before he tracked her to there so she wandered the city for a while, taking in the sights until she felt that familiar shiver down her spine. Her ability was warning her, recognizing the threat before her senses could even keep up.

She lingered in the shadows of an office building her body alert. Andy could see people going about their daily business with no clue as to the dangers that lurk. She could hear gulls on the coast and the waves crashing on the shore over the constant hum of human life. She could smell the differing rusty tang off sweet, sweet blood as they passed her unaware. The different flavors, from the drugged up humans that provide a high, to the pure ones that have no 'additives', as she liked to call it.

Andy ran a hand through her blonde hair as she inhaled deeply. Blood type, gender, lifestyle; the things that determine the taste of her next meal. Her preferences changed over the years, she enjoyed sampling different types like it was fine wine. The floral scent of a human hit her and she coughed a little. She always hated the artificial ones. But beneath all the earthy, sweet, sour and musty scents, only one caught her attention.

Andy's body tensed as her eyes scanned her surroundings at full speed. She couldn't spot him but the scent of mint and falling rain was unmistakable.

Without a second thought she teleported to the next city.

Flashback About 1080 AD Crete, Greece:

Andromeda wandered the open halls of the place she'd called home for the last six decades. Ever since Athenodora had changed her, saving her life in the process, she'd become a very active member of her coven. 

"Hello little mouse, how are you fairing?" A male voice said and she turned to face the man with a bright smile. 

"I'm doing well Mathias, are you hunting me" she grinned playfully as her golden tresses blew in the wind and he smiled softly. 

"Of course you are the mouse, and I am the cat. Is my brother treating you well?" He inquired and she failed to recognize the power hungry sinister glint in his eyes. 

"Of course." She said in response. "Aegeus protects me, as his name says. He's my father."

"That is good child." He replied tensely.

"I'm not a child."

"I can clearly see that. I am merely referring to your innocence my dear, you have yet to see the full extent of the world."

"I don't mind," she shrugged her shoulders, "my family is here, so this is where I shall remain."

"You should come to Madrid with me on a small holiday, I'm sure your father won't mind. It'll give you the chance to experience the world a little." He said coaxingly.

"I'll think about it." She said as a tall muscular man approached. She spotted him and threw herself into his chest without second thought. 

"Andromeda," the older male chuckled at his charge returning the hug. "Thalia is going to bring back dinner soon," he said lifting her chin to meet her black eyes. "But first I have a job for you my dear."

Mathias eyes her as her seemingly sweet smile turned sinister with the prospect of a hunt. 

"Anything papa."

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora