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"You want me to what?" Amun spoke up.

"Contact the Cult for us, we know you have before."

"That could take months, years, before they even look."

"I don't care Amun." Demetri told him.

"It's the least you can do for them." Kebi said to her mate.

"I agree." Benjamin spoke again.

"Who are you?" Demetri asked tilting his head to the side slightly in confusion.

"That's Benji," Andy said happily teleporting to the Egyptian's side. She hugged the younger vampire happily ignoring her mate's growls. "And this is his mate Tia." She put emphasis on the word mate for Demetri's sake as the tracker approached pulling Andy back to him.

"So you're the older brother I've heard so much about." Benjamin's red eyes sparkled in amusement.

"It would appear so." Demetri replied shaking Benjamin's outstretched hand. "I see that Amun likes to keep you hidden."

"It is true, but I like it here with Tia. My abilities-" Demetri cut him off,

"It's probably better if I don't know." The tracker informed causing Benjamin to smile.

Demetri moved to hug Kebi and returned to Andy's side but stopped when his phone rang. "I'll meet you outside."

"You know I enjoy visiting this place." Andy grinned bending down to run her fingertips through the pool's water. "Let us hope the next time we see each other it is on better terms." She directed to the Egyptians. She rose and headed for Kebi hugging the gentle woman. She then returned to Benjamin and Tia hugging both of them.

"Andromeda before you leave there is something you should have." Amun spoke up leaving the room. He reappeared with a leather bound book with animal skin pages. It looked incredibly fragile and old. "It was Mathias's, don't ask how it came to be in my possession because I won't tell you."

"Might make for an interesting read." Andy shrugged nodding to the coven before leaving.

Demetri stepped out of the building and headed to a private alley where he could answer his device without prying ears.

"Felix." He said into the mouthpiece as a loud scream echoed through from the other end. He winced pulling the phone away from his ear waiting for the noise to die down.

"Sorry, Caius is in a bad mood, he's having Jane torture Mathias." His friend's voice spoke over the screams.

"Do I have orders?"

"What have you found out?"

"We followed the trail to Cairo. Amun has had contact with them."


"Indeed, he must have a death wish." Demetri growled. "He's been supplying them information on Andromeda so they don't target his coven."

"Aro wishes to speak with her."

"You and I both know she won't."

"May I?" He felt her appear at his side her hand gesturing to the phone in his. He sighed and placed the phone in her hand. "Hello Felix darling," she spoke into the mouthpiece with a smile and playful wink at her mate.

"Ah, Andy someone here wants to speak with you."

"I'm sure, put him on would you?"

"Well if it isn't my trackers mate." The voice was overly cheery and made her cringe looking to her mate who just shrugged.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now