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Felix watched the small female's enraged form follow Demetri's scent. It was no doubt days old but it sang to her strongly. He hated tracking, that was Demetri's job, and a skill he never bothered to learn so he allowed her to lead.

"You don't stand a chance if you go after them alone." He spoke hoping to make her see some sort of reason.

"Then what do you propose Felix because any longer and his trail will fade." She snapped back, clear irritation in her voice as they headed for the boarder to Albania.

"Why do you think they took him?" The giant asked stopping the Greek with a heavy hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know." She growled shrugging his hand off.

"Think Andy, you're letting your anger get the better of you." He replied to his friend's mate. "They must've taken him for a reason."

"He's my mate, that's reason enough." She bit out walking over to a tree that had been snapped in half. The ashy remains of a fight littered the area

"No, it's more than that and you know it." He snapped back trying to help clear her head. He'd seen Demetri lose his cool like this before when something angered him, his mate was no different, but admittedly the stakes were considerably higher now.

"They took him because he's the only vampire on the planet that would ever be able to find me. They took him to find me." She said realisation hitting her.

"If you continue to follow him, you'll walk straight into a trap." Felix stated.

"Good, if I can get close enough I can teleport him out."

"Andy they've no doubt found a way to stop your gifts, especially if they're serious about catching you. They already have their bait." He said lifting the black rose crest from a pile of ashes. "They're just waiting for their prey." He sighs crushing the metal in his fist. "We need a tracker."

"The only tracker I know that is good enough to find them is currently in Cauis's torture chamber." She replied taking a deep breath as she thought of Mathias.

"I know one." Felix pulled out his phone and dialled a number as Andy gave him a curious look. "I need a favour." He spoke into the mouth piece.

"That's new." The voice was very young, soft and female. "You've never asked me for anything before Kitty." She teased and Felix growled at the nickname as Andy refused the urge to snicker.

"Your mentor has been kidnapped."

"You lie, he's like the best fighter on the guard."

"I'm not lying Carina, I'm standing here with his mate right now."

"Ooh Andy, is she pretty?" The girl asked with excitement.

"How soon can you get here?" Felix asked ignoring her previous comments.

"Um, I'll swing by the masters first and leave before Alec wants play twenty questions. Shouldn't be too long." She replied.

"Who was that?" Andy questioned Felix who looked a little stressed.

"Carina, she's relatively new." The giant looked around to see if he could pick anything up. "Demetri's been teaching her, he sired her."

"Interesting," she replied unsure what to make of this new knowledge. Andy had never sired another vampire and she never intended to.

"She'd been with us since she was a human, and it was supposed to be Alec that changed her but there were unforeseen circumstances."

"She's a tracker?"

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