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"What is it?" Andy asked Edward knowing that if her mate was picking up on a mind out there, Edward would be able to read it.

"There's another vampire, I can hear their thoughts." Edward replied.

"We're being watched." Demetri elaborated his crimson eyes spotting movement.

"I don't know who it is, only that they've been ordered to observe." Edward tells the vampires closest to him.

"Felix, Demetri." Aro commanded the pair to apprehend the spy. The largest began to move only to be stopped by a flash of blue that appeared directly in front of him.

"Sorry Felix, but you're too slow," Andy spoke to the giant and nodded to her mate to continue.

Demetri made his way to her and gently took both her hands in his ignoring the inquiring gaze of those around them. "South East." He told her and she followed his gaze in the right direction. She took a deep breath and focused on their destination.

"Duck," Demetri shouted pulling his mate down as a large boulder was fired in their direction.

Andy spotted a male vampire with crimson eyes glaring at them. Had a lithe build and rusty coloured hair, his skin almost as white as the snow they stood on. He wore a simple white shirt over grey pants, the only thing that stood out was the heavy black chain and crest around his neck. He snarled lunging to attack Andy only to be met with air. Confused he glanced to the side where she had appeared with a smug grin.

The male spotted the two vampires from opposing sides of the fight he was ordered to observe communicating with their eyes. They seemed to know something he didn't, and he didn't like that. One wore blue and silver, the other red and black, but right now they seemed to move as one.

Andy chuckled at the man. She didn't attack head on, instead she chose to circle him, Demetri mimicking her actions on the other side. "Remember when I said we should play hide and seek?" Andy spoke over the vampire.

"I thought we were playing who's the better hunter?" Demetri inquired in his own playful tone. "And I believe I won that."

"I still don't think it was fair." Andy replied as the vampire between them stared at the pair like they were insane. "How about we hunt the same prey and even the playing field."

Demetri's eyes lit up with the prospect of a hunt, and a competitive one at that. He stopped circling the vampire and grinned. "Tell you what, we'll give you a five second head start." Demetri said with a casual smile.

She grinned widely at the terrified look on the vampires face. "One," she counted closing her eyes taking a taunting step into the clearing. "Two," she could hear the movements of her prey as he began to run. "Three," she sang listening for any other movements. "Four," she knew he wasn't stupid, he couldn't go back to his master now that he had been caught out, they would kill him. "Five," her crimson eyes opened sparking with glee as a smirk made its way onto her face as she shared a look with her mate. "Ready or not, here we come."

Demetri had the vampire's tenor and took off after him under the knowing eyes of Andy. He was quick and knew exactly where the man was heading. At that moment he realised his prey didn't know the full extent of his gifts. Water will wash away his scent and make him difficult for Andy to track, but Demetri already had a taste of the man's mind. He could find him anywhere now. His prey was already caught in his web.

Andy smirked and began to think like her prey. He most likely wasn't aware of who was hunting him, which meant he would head directly for water. She'd been to the cliffs before, so without a second though teleported herself there and braced for an attack. Her enhanced senses picked up the movements of her prey heading directly into her trap as he ran away from Demetri.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें