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Demetri didn't want to return to the Volturi but he knew he had no choice in the matter. He would return to due his duty, the same duty he had done for eight centuries.

He had been running at high speeds his mind replaying the events of the past three days and the joy he had experienced with his mate. He remembered every smile, every caress, and every small touch that sent sparks to his core. He didn't notice he was being watched, he didn't sense the trap they had set up for him upon his entrance to Italy. His half his thoughts were on her, the other half making sure he didn't collide with anything.

So it came as a surprise to him when he was hit from the side mid step. His body was flung into a nearby tree with such speed that it snapped in half. He was quick to recover though, his many, many years of training coming to his aid as he dusted himself off a deep glare set in his features.

His glanced to find he was surrounded by no less than twenty vampires, and they weren't newborns. If anything they seemed to have a few centuries under the belt each. "You're coming with us tracker." One of the males spoke with an Irish accent.

He knew he didn't stand a chance in this situation, there were too many and some no doubt had gifts of their own. "It won't be that easy." He stated his resolve calm as he glared at each latching onto their minds and committing it to memory. As he spoke the nameless vampires attacked while he dodged their every move. He couldn't outrun so many opponents, so his only hope was to take as many out as possible before they restrained him.

His hand reached out and clawed at the throat of a female shattering her windpipe. He ducked and popped the head off another male like a cork. He fought violently removing limbs that got too close his inner beast raging in anger at the vampires that dared to challenge him.

Demetri reached for another when a smooth voice broke his concentration. "I've had enough of this," a brunette female stepped from the shadows a male at her side. "Darling, he's going to kill all your men."

"They're disposable." The male huffed. He wore a tailored navy suit, with not a thread out of place, his crisp white shirt looked brand new and he radiated the same kind of power as Jane. His hair was a mass of silky black waves that fell to the top of his collar and blew gently in the wind. Hanging over his white tie was the black rose crest proudly on display. A sneer crossed his features his heavy dark brows furrowed as he glared darkly at the tracker.

"We need them to fill ranks when we attack." The female spoke again her voice holding false innocence, "please, for me?"

"Not for you," he growled at the brunette, "for her."

Demetri was slightly confused by the man's words as the vampires around him backed off. Sensing a greater threat the tracker turned to the male and clenched ready for an attack.

What came next was the pain. He had been on the receiving end of Jane's gifts many times and this felt the same, but for some reason the attack wasn't just mental. His body crumbled to his knees without his consent as it fired through every nerve ending, relaying extreme pain. He wouldn't give that man the satisfaction of his screams that were busting at the seams to break free. He could feel the cracks forming on his marble knees as his mind fell into unconsciousness to keep from going insane.

His eyes fluttered open when the stench of his surroundings filled his nostrils. Demetri pulled himself up and glanced around the damp stone cell in disgust. He could pick up the sweetness from the pools of vampire venom under his leather shoes. Though the one thing he picked up on that made him growl in hatred was the strong scent of wet dog. The scent he hadn't come across in over eight centuries. Werewolves.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now