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Alice pulled her hand away from the Volturi master with a sneer. "It doesn't matter what I show you, even when you see." She turned to Bella and mouthed the word 'now'.

Without hesitation the newborn turned to Andy and the russet coloured wolf. "Take care of my daughter." She whispered sadly.

Andy nodded understanding her role she took the child's hand and dug her other into the fur of the wolf. With all the strength she could muster she teleported the pair as far from the clearing as possible.

"It's a little disorientating, but when you get your bearings head to the airport south of here, a plane is waiting for you." She smiled tightly at the pair. "Good luck."

He watched as she left knowing that he would eventually be ordered to take her out. He didn't want to hurt her, no matter what his masters wanted. The tracker in him was already following the minds of the wolf and little girl, knowing that Andy would never leave her coven to fight alone.

Demetri was terrified, though it was well hidden. He knew it would come to a fight, and he knew his mate. She would die before she saw any harm come to the newborns she'd claimed as her own. Her loyalty was to them, not him. He was scared that even if she survived his masters would want her put down with the rest of the Cullen's. At least Athenodora was on his side. Maybe together they might be able to convince Aro to spare her life.

Andy landed with a thud beside her coven and took in the surroundings. "Take her away," she heard and saw Alice struggling in the arms of two guards.

"No!" Surprisingly to her it was Carlisle who shouted and charged heading towards the Volturi leader. He dodged a couple of attacks and wrested with Aro mid-air.

A gasp caught in her throat as she saw his headless body fall. She didn't have to look to know what was in Aro's had as he gave the Olympic Coven and their allies a smug grin.

She was quicker than her coven mates and cut them off before they charged into the fray. "Not yet," she hissed at them taking a protective stance.

She eyed the witnesses from the Volturi's side as they were the first to charge followed closely by the guard. She turned to Diego, "stay with Bree, and by Kate's side, she could use your help." The vampire nodded and entwined his fingers with his mates heading to the Denali's.

"And us?" Fred inquired.

"You are going to keep them safe," she nodded to Bree and Diego, "stay out of range of Bella's gifts and keep the guard away from them."

"What about you?" He inquired as she eyed the black smoke creeping towards them.

"I'll be fine," she pushed Fred towards their coven mates, "go." She brought her raven eyes up to meet those of the dark haired witch twin. He smirked dangerously his gift heading towards her in waves from his palms.

She narrowed her eyes and growled lowly teleporting out of range and tackled a vampire off Rosalie's back.

"We aren't strong enough," the blonde hissed as she ducked another attack.

"Come now Rose, we're just getting warmed up." Andy grinned as she let her beast out to play tearing the limbs off an attacker.

Her eyes caught Alec moving at high speed across the field as he tackled Bella to the ground. She figured he was taking her out for a reason which was proved correct as she spotted his twin using her gift on Jasper.

He crumbled in defeat as Felix held his arms so Demetri could remove his head.

Without a second thought she teleported herself into the path of Demetri's hand taking the blow and knocked Jasper free of Felix's grip. She winced slightly and told Jasper to help his mate and that she would be fine. Taking her sweet time she pulled herself to her feet and dusted the snow from her blue jacket in annoyance.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن