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Andy looked to her coven. They'd already heard the stories, she wanted them to know what they were getting into. It was one of her attempts to dissuade them from staying by her side... But they stayed, and for some reason she was glad they did.

"The first time I crossed paths with a werewolf was the summer of 1030 AD in Crete. The war started centuries before I was born, I was young, so naturally they interested me and I needed to know everything about them." Her voice slipped into story telling mode as she spoke of the memories that plagued most of her existence.

"We have a problem." Phineus waltzed into the room the double doors banging violently against the stone. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and was held back by a leather chord and some braids. He was tall and slender as opposed to Tydeus's more muscular body type. His sharp cheekbones looked to be carved from marble casting a shadow on his face. Though the surprising thing was the amount of blood covering his form and the smell wasn't even inviting to the two youngest. If anything it repulsed them.

"How many?" Aegeus asked as Andromeda and Tydeus waited for someone to elaborate.

"Six." Phineus replied. "Only on the Eastern border, there could be more."

"Tydeus, take Andromeda to Athenodora and stay there." Aegeus commanded and he nodded to his father taking Andy's arm he began to drag her from the room.

"How many what?" She asked desperate for answers because of the fear on her Papa's face.

"Werewolves." Mathias answered for him.

"Werewolves?" Andy questioned Tydeus tugging her arm back.

"Children of the moon. They were human once, but now they turn into large wolf like beasts every time the moon is full." He opened the door to Athenodora's chambers and pulled Andy inside with him. "They have no real control, they kill both humans and vampire's alike. Their teeth can carve our flesh into pieces."

"You speak of the werewolves?" Dora said as she appeared by their side. "How many?"

"Phineus said six." Tydeus replied, "Why here and now?"

"They have an alliance with The Cult," she sneered, "Caius would get involved but nobody knows who is in this organisation."

"Will you tell me?" Andy asked as she crossed her legs on Dora's bed.

"For a while I lived in Romania it was a long time ago but I promised Aegeus I'd always come back. Greece is my home." Andy was nodding anticipating the important parts. "Werewolf attacks were frequent against nomads and I was unlucky enough to be cornered by one. I was feeding and it picked up the scent of freshly spilt blood. I didn't know what to do, but I was saved. Caius was hunting their kind at the time. He hated them with a passion as he nearly died fighting one."

"And then you lived happily ever after," Andy said rolling her eyes at the sappy gaze on her sire's face.

"No, then I returned to Greece as promised and he joined the Volturi."

"That's not much of a story," Andy scrunched her nose.

"Because it's not finished." Dora explained with exasperation. "You are aware of the Cult that Aegeus and Mathias talk about, I know you've been eaves-dropping." If Andy could blush she would.

"Who are they?"

"They're an order of vampires created over a millennia ago. We do not know their true intentions, only that they despise the ruling coven. They were there when the Romanians fell, and now we are their next target."

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