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A/N: Surprise! Happy Halloween :)

Carina willed her body to move faster as the hybrid chased her around the valley. He had caught her sweet scent the moment she had stepped into the battle and craved her. The hybrid had made a promise to himself he would devour the little vampire before the end of the night.

She ducked just as the hybrid's claws sliced through the air trying to grasp her.

"Won't you fight little princess?" The creature snarled out in a taunting voice as he followed her.

"Ever heard of a breath mint, because darling you are in desperate need of one." Came her retort as she rolled under his other set of claws.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." He gave her a toothy grin and he lunged his teeth narrowly missing her neck as she slid out of the way. Their fight drew a little attention as other Volturi members tried to assist their coven mate only to be struck down by the hybrid.

She didn't know how much longer she could keep up with the creature, dodging every single one of his attacks. He was too fast and strong for her to take on alone. She was hopelessly out-gunned as she fought for survival.


Silence fell around them as a terrified and pained scream filled the air. It caused chills to travel the length of Carina's spine as she spotted Andromeda enduring the most painful torture imaginable. She lost her concentration, her gaze now focused on her sire and his mate.

Carina barely recognised the hybrid's grip on her waist until it was too late. He flung her small form like a rag doll into some nearby rocks, and didn't give her the chance to get up before he tossed her again.

He lowered his forearms to the ground stalking his prey as she struggled to her feet. He snarled and lunged, his paw hitting her side and knocking her down onto the cold and damp moss in the centre of the valley. The hybrid moved over her small form ready to slice into his prey as she lay still, waiting for the end to come.


Andromeda understood the need to protect what was yours. It came naturally to vampires and she'd been on the receiving end in the past. Athenodora was her sire, a mother of sorts, and it was her duty to teach Andy how to survive this life. The bond between vampires that shared venom was almost as strong as a mate bond.

It was the main reason she never sired any vampires herself. She didn't want to become attached to someone and then loose them like she did her own coven. It was why the decision to take in Bree, Diego and Fred was not a light one.

Andy crouched low as she watched her mate shield Carina with his form. She and the witch twins were the first to react to the sight, charging full steam at the beast. The one thing that they did not anticipate was Carina's gifts coming into play.


Carina closed her eyes and clung tightly to the larger body that shielded hers from the deadly blow. All she wanted was to get out of there, away from the creature and be safe with her family again. She recognised Demetri's scent the moment he appeared by her side to keep his promise and protect her. She didn't think he would risk his own life in the process.

The small vampire didn't know what came over her, all she knew was that her family was in danger and they needed to get out. Her gift instinctively searched the field against her will for talents that may help in this situation and latched on to one.

Mimicking that ability, she tightened her hold and pictured the empty space on the other side of the valley, teleporting them out of danger.


Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now