chapter 1

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The Fudo family was given an invitation to Nome, Alaska yet again, but this time, it came from the Thornberry family since they were going to film there. However, before they could go anywhere, both families were stuck in the airport and their flight to Alaska had been delayed because of the snow, much to everyone's disappointment and they had to wait a while. Scruffy and Dot were the most upset because this would be their first time in Alaska.

"I still remember when I went to Alaska with the Air Buddies and your cousin Oddball..." Patch said as he sighed with his disappointed children.

"Ooh, story time!" Scruffy smiled.

"Since we're delayed, it might be a good idea." Patch smiled back.

"A story about Cousin Oddball?" Dot sounded excited as they had never met their cousin yet.

"Oh, yes," Patch smiled. "And the Air Buddies of course. I can't believe I never told you this story before."

The kids sighed and groaned as they sat at the table together, feeling stuck since the plane flight was delayed and they were becoming very bored.

"So, how does it start, Dad?" Dot asked.

"Now, let me see..." Patch started to think back. "It was a normal hot day..."

"Are you telling stories?" Akito walked over.

"Would you like to listen?" Patch invited with a smile.

"Sure, beats sitting around and doing nothing all day." Vincent agreed.

"Well, come on," Patch smiled as the kids joined the pets. "Now, as I was saying... I should mention this to you all, especially you, Scruffy and Dot. There comes a time in every pup's life when there are forces greater than themselves. Forces that can't be seen or touched, but only felt. Although life may lead you where you least expect it, you can have faith if that's where it's meant to be."

Scruffy and Dot nodded as they would make note of that.

"Now, this was after Colette and I had talked the Air Buddies into accepting their new homes..." Patch then began to narrate as we are shown a flashback to before the puppies were born.

'This story is going to be exciting.' Akito thought to himself.

We flashback to the old days.

A familiar car was riding and pulling up to the driveway.

"Just turn here and we'll be at the house." Jessica told her fiancé as she held Oddball who was excited to spend this summer with her favorite uncle and not only that, but her mistress had exciting news for the family.

"As you wish." Christopher smiled.

Jessica smiled back.

"How much longerrrr?" Oddball whined as she couldn't wait for very much longer.

"We're almost there, Oddy, promise." Jessica pet her dog.

"You said that hours ago..." Oddball pouted as she flopped against the window and her ears flapped slightly from the passing wind.

"Well, this time, I mean it." Jessica said.

Oddball pouted.

"Come on..." Jessica pet her dog.

Oddball then smiled and licked Jessica's face.

The drive took a while until finally they made it to their destination.

"Are we there yet...?" Oddball groaned.

"The last few times you asked that, the answer was no," Jessica looked annoyed at first, but then smiled. "This time, the answer's yes!"

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now