chapter 14

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The next day...

Adam was all bundled up and had the puppies ready to test out the dog sled. Talon came out and decided to watch the group.

"Alright, we're ready." Patch said.

"Alright, guys, let's try it out, let's go!" Adam commanded the dogs. "Come on, Mush!"

The puppies hooked up to the sled then moved with him to do a test run with their brand new sled.

"And away we go!" Colette called out.

Adam laughed and cheered as he enjoyed this as much as the puppies did. During their test run, a certain dog sled team saw fadst they were going.

"And nine puppies become one," Talon smiled. "Their work here is almost done."

"Sacre bleu!" Francois yelped. "Did you see that?!"

"Oh, uh, I was busy watching the puppy sled team." Felipe replied stupidly.

"You idiot, I was talking about the puppy sled team!" Francois glared. "They were moving pretty fast."

"Come on!" Adam cheered for his team as they took him across the snowy slopes with ease.

"Wahoo!" Colette smiled.

"We were a pretty good team," Patch narrated. "But we knew we couldn't stay long. We could never forget about the ones who we were separated from back home where our hearts were."

"So, the next night was it the same or did something tragic happen?" Scruffy asked.

"Well, Adam still wanted to be in the race, but his father still refused." Patch sighed softly.

"That's not fair!" Snow White pouted. "Why should Adam be excluded when he wasn't even in that accident?!"

"Yeah!" Dot added.

"I know, but it was just his rules..." Patch sighed himself.

"You should've bit him, Dad." Scruffy grinned darkly.

"Scruffy!?" Colette gasped.

"Sorry, Mom." Scruffy smiled nervously then.

"Anyway, continue" Snow White said.

"So, that night, Adam broke open his piggy bank..." Patch began back onto the story.

Adam then just did that with a hammer and shared a knowing look with Shasta.


Cherry and Drell started to poke each other and looked like immature siblings fighting each other now.

"Stop fighting each other or else I'll make you both stop!" Atticus glared.

"He started it!" Cherry growled.

"No, you did!" Drell growled back.

"WE WILL TURN OURSELVES AROUND!" Mo threatened like a hostile mother.

"How does that makes any sense?" Cherry and Drell asked.

"Don't judge me..." Mo glowered.

Cherry and Drell kept walking.

Drell put his finger in his mouth and snuck his finger into Cherry's ear. "Boop."

"THAT'S IT!" Cherry yelled and tackled him onto the ground and started to beat him up.

"Cherry, stop." Drell said.

"Why, cuz it hurts?" Cherry scoffed.

"No, it tickles." Drell smirked.

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