chapter 6

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Back at the campground...

Cherry's hand was placed in a cup of warm water as she was asleep, then a slobbering dog started to lick her face. "Teller?~..." she asked with a smirk as she was being licked in her sleep, then took the dog's face and kissed it until her eyes widened and she woke up. "OH, MY GOD!"

This caused for Mo, Drell, and Atticus wake up.

"What's wrong?" Mo asked.

Cherry grunted and spat up. "Ugh! Dog slobber!"

The dog barked and panted heavily as he drooled all around.

Cherry wiped her face, glaring at the dog. "Stupid mutt!"

"Where did this dog come from?" Mo asked.

"How the heck should I know?!" Cherry grunted in disgust.

The dog barked and went out their tent to point somewhere that looked like a delivery truck.

"You could have just told us about the delivery truck." Mo told the dog.

The dog stood up and licked her face.

Mo laughed. "Okay, down, boy!"

"I tried to tell you all, but you were asleep." The dog said.

"Why did you lick me?" Cherry groaned as she sat up while glaring at the slobbering dog.

"I thought that would wake you up." The dog said.

Cherry lowly growled.

Mo narrowed her eyes slightly. "Mooch, is that you?"

"Maybe....?" the dog smiled sheepishly to the tomboy street urchin.

"It is you..." Mo hugged the sloppy sheepdog. "Man, I haven't seen you since the Fourth of July when we all left Buster!"

"You can say that again." Mooch smiled.

"You being a good boy for your human?" Mo asked.

"Uh-huh!" Mooch looked up to her with a big smile. "Lots of love and hugs and kisses for me!"

"Mooch was always the affectionate one..." Mo smirked quietly. "Good to see you again."

"It's good to see you again too, Mo," Mooch smiled before looking at Atticus. "And Atticus, you look bigger and stronger than the last time I saw you."

"Long story, buddy, now if you'll excuse us, we have to get going," Atticus said. "We have a mission and its destination is Alaska."

"Well, you'll have to wait until the truck comes back with the ice cream." Mooch said.

"Somehow, I knew that's why you'd be here." Mo smirked to the sheepdog.

"What can I say? I can't help it when it comes to ice cream." Mooch smiled.

Mo rolled her eyes with a sigh, but then smiled to him.

"I still remember the first time you joined the Junkyard Dogs..." Mooch nuzzled against her.

"Same here..." Mo hugged him still. "You're no Angel, but you were always such a good dog."

"I know." Mooch smiled.

"Thanks for the help, Mooch, we'll take it from here." Mo said to him.

"Yeah." Atticus said.

"Good luck!" Mooch licked Mo's cheek one last time, then rushed off with a laugh.

Mo rubbed her cheek with a smile as one of her old dog friends was going back to wherever he came from.

"So then, looks like we'll need to wait." Drell said.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz