chapter 16

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Adam woke up bright and early and snuck the sled out of the shed, reminding the puppies to be quiet so his parents wouldn't wake up and see them. And where they each did so. Shasta led with them as they were on their way to the race as it was about to begin. And where this would be a surprise.

Atticus and Mo came out of the sheriff's office.

"Man, that guy has a one tract mind, does he not?" Atticus moaned.

"You can say that again." Mo groaned.

Atticus sighed.

"Can't you use your magic to track the dogs down?" Mo asked.

Atticus smiled nervously. "It's Edipan..."

"Dang it." Mo frowned.

Atticus and Mo sighed as they felt lost, then looked as they saw people gathering.

"Hey, what's going on?" Mo called out to the crowd.

"You dont' know?" a man smiled in excitement. "It's about time for the sled race!"

"Sled race?" Mo asked her boyfriend, hoping he would have the answer.

"I haven't been to one, but sled races are a big deal in Alaska." Atticus said back to Mo. "I've read all sorts of books on them. It's like the Super Bowl to them."

"Wow, you really like to study." Mo said.

"It's a beautiful curse..." Atticus smiled softly.

Mo then sighed.

"I know..." Atticus sighed with her. "I miss Patch a lot... He's family."

"I just wish that there was a sign telling us where he and the others are." Mo said.

"I know..." Atticus agreed as he looked like he was about to cry.

Mo brought him into a hug to comfort him. Atticus sniffled and hugged her back. Unknown to them, Patch and the others were closer than they thought.

'Welcome to the Annual Fernituktuk Race, coming to you live from the starting line!' an announcer announced as the people and dogs were getting ready for the race.

'We're almost there.' Oddball thought to herself.

"Feeling cold, Oddball?" Budderball asked the female dalmatian in worry.

"No, I'm fine." Oddball smiled.

Budderball smiled back to her as they were on their way to the starting line. The announcer introduced last year's champion who was Francois and Felipe's master, he smiled smugly to the crowd, but they threw snowballs at him and booed at him.

"I have a feeling these people don't like him that much." Patch smirked.

"I knew there was something wrong about him," Colette said. "He gave me a weird feeling when we first met him with Shasta by accident."

"Just proves that dogs are an excellent judge of character." Patch smiled and nodded to her.

"Yeah, we are." Budderball said.

The announcer then introduced someone known as Duke Bilson as Adam and the puppies were getting ready to join the other racers.

'Wait, I spoke too soon, it looks like... Puppies?!' the announcer looked surprised once Adam and his team arrived.

"Just ignore the laughter." Patch whispered.

"We'll try..." Oddball frowned, it was hard since she was only a puppy after all and took things harder and more seriously than an older dog would.

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