chapter 8

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Meanwhile back in Alaska...

Shasta has taken the others out to another part as they were among the stabbing snow. "Here they come." he said as he heard a man calling out to his dogs.

"Are we ambushing somebody?" B-Dawg asked since they were a top a hill.

The others then watched as the human male was mushing his Huskies.

"Wait, I think we're watching that team of huskies." Colette said.

"Aw, yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!" B-Dawg grew excited.

"What're they doing?" Oddball asked.

"That's sled-racing." Shasta told her. "The greatest sport known to dog. That's how we're gonna get you guys home."

"Oh, okay.... Wait, what?!" Oddball asked out of shock.

"Uh, is anyone else confused?" Rosebud added in, feeling that question was appropriate now.

"I think he's saying that the only way we're gonna get back home is by becoming a dog sled team." Oddball said.

"Are you nuts?!" Colette asked Shasta.

"Besides, we can't leave Patch and Colette!" Buddha said.

"Don't worry, I have a plan for them." Shasta replied.

"Which is?" Budderball asked.

"Oh, you'll see, my friend, you'll see." Shasta smirked.

"Well, as long as it involves all of us, I'm in." Oddball smiled.

"Of course," Shasta smiled back. "I'd never exclude any friends if I make any."

"Great, so what do we need?" Patch asked.

"Come on, I'll take you to my place." Shasta said, leading them to a whole new way away.

"Okay." Patch said.

Shasta then led them to where he lived. The others followed and they were coming up to a small home with a shed.

"This is where I live," Shasta told them as he led them to a way in besides the door for obvious reasons. "You guys can stay in the shed."

"I hope there's room service." Budderball remarked.

"I hope so too." Oddball said.

Budderball then stopped and stepped aside for Oddball to go in first.

"Budderball?" the female dalmatian puppy asked.

"After you." Budderball replied.

"Oh, thank you." Oddball smiled to him, then went in before him.

"Looks like we've got new lovebirds." Colette whispered.

"Puppy Love, how adorable." Patch whispered back with a smile.

Patch magicked himself and Colette inside since they were a little too big to fit through Shasta's secret entrance.

"Guys, check this out!" Shasta pulled on a tarp with his mouth and pulled it down to show a sled like the human male had with the Huskies from earlier.

"Cool sled." Patch smiled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is super fly, yo!" B-Dawg added in. "You got one of your own rides?"

"My human's dad's sled," Shasta explained. "But he doesn't use it anymore..."

"Really?" Colette asked. "Is it retired?"

"Well--" Shasta was about to explain, but he turned his head as they all heard a car outside pulling up. "Quick, hide!"

"Oh, I hope medallion gets better." Patch said since he would use his magic to make them all invisible, so they seriously had to hide behind whatever they all could.

Shasta decided to hide with them.

"Who's coming?" Colette whispered.

"The humans." Shasta quietly replied.

A young boy all bundled up came into the shed with a bag around his shoulder and a hockey stick in his other hand. He threw down both objects in frustration and anguish and even kicked them. He spotted the uncovered sled and decided to check it out.

"Is that your boy?" Patch whispered.

Shasta nodded as he came out as the others watched curiously. "That's Adam, he wants to mush more than anything." he then whispered and explained to the ones who didn't know.

The boy seemed drawn and influenced to the sled as he got into position.

"He seems like he could be a great musher." Patch whispered.

"Adam!" a different voice called out. "Dinner!"

"Must be his mother." Colette quietly guessed.

Adam got off the sled and covered it back up before he left the shed. The dogs all then hid, not letting the boy see them. Adam let out a small sigh as he then left, never noticing any canine visitors. After the human boy shut the door, the dogs came out.

"Okay, he's gone." Patch said.

"Shasta, where are you?" Adam called from outside.

"Duty calls," Shasta replied to that. "I'll see you guys in the morning, we'll talk then." he then took his leave to meet his human.

"You Buddies know what we have to do, right?" Patch asked.

"I just think it's pretty nice that Shasta and his human have the same dream~" Rosebud smiled dreamily.

"The dude just needs a team," MudBud agreed. "I think we can help."

"Yeah, we just gotta help him." Oddball smiled.

"Uh, guys, we need to get home for dinner," Budderball spoke up. "We don't have time to make a team!"

"Sometimes helping others is the surest way of helping ourselves." Buddha replied.

"Zen Dude and New Girl are correctamundo." MudBud agreed.

"So then it's decided." Colette said.

"It's like Bernie said, the finish line is at the airport." B-Dawg pieced together about them going home.

"All in favor of starting a dog-sled team, say aye," Rosebud replied. "Aye!"

"Aye!" Budderball, B-Dawg, Buddha, MudBud, Oddball, Patch, and Colette said.

"Okay," Rosebud nodded. "We'll tell Shasta in the morning."

"Agreed." Patch said.

With that, they all decided to get some rest after the big day they all had today. And where their day wasn't as crazy as the others were in the package. There was then a strange growling noise.

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