chapter 10

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A human adult man who must've been Adam's father came into the shed to turn the light out. B-Dawg slightly whimpered to that. The man thought he heard something, then came inside the shed with the light on to explore.

"Time to use the secret weapon, sorry about this, Oddball." Patch whispered before crawling over to Budderball before gently pulling Budderball's front paw.

The human male grunted and groaned in disgust and ran out from the unpleasant smell. Luckily Budderball had covered Oddball's nose.

"Nasty!" the man grunted as he turned out the light and shut the shed door behind him.

"I see why they hate it when your paw gets pulled." Oddball commented to Budderball as she still wore his jersey.

"Don't worry, you won't have to smell it, I've got your nose covered." Budderball said.

Colette smirked slightly to Rosebud, her eyes seemed to light up whenever Shasta was involved.

"Looks like you'll be our leader." Patch said to Shasta.

"Me?" Shasta felt flattered and honored.

"Yes, besides, wasn't your father the leader of his own sled dog team too?" Patch asked.

"That's a good point..." Shasta smiled softly. "Plus, I know all the commands to coach the Buddies in the race."

"Not just them, but me as well." Oddball said.

"You wanna be in the race too, huh?" Shasta asked her.

"Yes, please," Oddball replied, looking rather motivated. "I wanna be one of a kind just like my Uncle Patch!"

"Well, okay," Shasta smiled. "I'd ask your uncle and his mate to join, but...."

"But what?" Oddball tilted her head.

"The only way for them to be on our sled team is if they were the same size as us, so then they wouldn't be too fast for us or to heavy in case we went up any slopes." Shasta said.

"Too old?" Oddball asked.

"I'm sorry, Oddball, but puppies only, no offense." Shasta replied gently, hoping she wouldn't get mad about him excluding the girl pup's uncle and his girlfriend.

"Aww!" Oddball pouted.

"I'm sorry, Oddball, but it's for the best..." Shasta replied. "You understand, right?"

"I guess..." Oddball felt bad for her favorite uncle and his girlfriend to be excluded.

"Well, maybe with some magic they can." Rosebud said.

"Magic?" Shasta looked back to the golden puppy as though he never heard of such a thing.

Patch then remembered his familiar magic and then used his own magic to turn himself and Colette into puppies.

"Uncle Patch!" Oddball's eyes widened in surprise.

Patch and Colette smiled to each other, and luckily, their collars shrunk down in size with them.

"That'll work." Shasta smiled.

"You guys look different as puppies..." Oddball came up to the former teenage dogs.

"Wait until you're our age," Colette giggled. "I'm sure by then you'll be covered in spots."

"Yeah and you'll be sounding different soon enough." Patch said.

"How do I sound different?" Oddball sounded confused.

"Oh, you'll find out." Patch replied.

Oddball looked very curious and confused.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now