chapter 12

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And where Patch was right as Atticus began to fight Drell with his bare fists. Mo was sitting on a log and filing her nails with her legs crossed as her boyfriend fought the warlock. Cherry began to enjoy this fight and when it was all over Drell was left with a black eye.

"Okay, now can we get back on track?" Atticus folded his arms.

"Sure, why not?" Drell mumbled as he had a cold press on his eye.

"I agree with Atticus." Scamp said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Drell replied. "Away we go."

"At least you didn't get hit with a hockey puck to the eye, that really hurts." Mo said to the warlock.

"Yeah." Angel said.

"Like you'd know?" Drell asked.

"Trust me, I know." Mo folded her arms.

"And how do you know?" Drell asked.

"When you live on the streets for as long as I have, you see a lot and take a lot..." Mo replied, then rolled up her sleeve to show hidden cuts and scars that she hid from the others, then pointed each of them out. "That's from my strict grandmother for accidentally breaking her vase... That one came from her dog when I took one of her puppies without permission..." she thn pointed to her left eye. "This is from when we were walking one day and saw a little league game playing softball and they hit the ball so hard that it hit me right in my cornea."

"Wow." Drell said.

"Too bad we didn't have anyone to patch you up." Angel frowned to her owner.

"I know, girl, it's okay..." Mo hugged her teenage puppy back as they recalled their times before they met Atticus and Scamp.

"Anyway, let's get going." Drell said.

Buddy and Molly tried to sniff their puppies' tracks. Angel, Scamp, Annette, and Danielle started to join in.

"Got them?" Danielle asked.

"Hard to say," Buddy replied. "This snow seems to be blocking their scent."

"I can't seem to catch Colette's scent either." Scamp said.

"Oh, it's the snow," Angel grunted. "It covers up everything!"

"Now, what do we do?" Danielle asked.

"There's gotta be someway outta this..." Cherry said. "But how?! HOW?!"

"Easy, we go forward." Atticus said.

"Forward?" Mo asked. "Are you sure?"

"Yep, towards town, I hope." Atticus said.

"Might as well..." Drell shrugged.

"Move forward!" Atticus proclaimed as they decided to move forward.

Meanwhile, back with Patch and the others...

Patch woke up first, he yawned and stretched and smacked his lips. "Mm... Thirsty..." he said raspily as he then walked out from his hiding place and looked for a saucer of water.

And where he looked over close by Shasta's owner's family house and where he decided to listen in to any conversations the family might be having. Patch put his ear up so he could listen in on what was going on with Shasta's human family. Shasta was on one of the stairs to listen into Adam's and his father's conversation.

"So, what did they talk about?" Scruffy asked.

"Hm... I don't remember..." Patch pouted.

"Didn't it have something to do with an accident?" Colette asked.

"I'm sorry, guys, but I don't think I remember what happened..." Patch said to the others.

"Well, it was a long time ago." Colette comforted. "I also think it was actually Christmas, not summer..."


The others then looked at the white kitten.

"Heh... Sorry..." Snow White smiled sheepishly.

"How's about I get to the part where Shasta lured Adam into the shed?" Patch suggested.

"Was that when Adam found out that you all were there?" Vincent asked.

"Yes." Patch said as he continued the story.

The others then listened to what happened next.

Patch overheard the humans talking about an accident from where he was sitting in the shed with his love, niece, and the Buddies. And where it sounded like Adam's father didn't approve of him sledding again.

"Oh, my..." Patch frowned quietly as he overheard this.

After Adam's father left Shasta found this the perfect time to bring Adam to the shed the only way he could think of by taking Adam's bag which had the book he found in the shed back to where the boy found it.

Back in Fernfield, the kids were miserably lost without their Buddies around.

Jessica knew she was going to get married soon, but she felt empty without Oddball around since they had become natural best friends since the puppy's adoption. "Oh, Oddball, where could you be?" she frowned.

"Oh, Jessie, I'm sure she's fine..." Christopher tried to soothe his future wife.

"I know," Jessica frowned. "I just miss her."

Christopher hugged Jessica. Jessica sniffled as she started to cry since Oddball was gone and she had no idea where her puppy was.

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