chapter 3

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Buddy and Molly came for their puppies to visit them, but only found their toys left behind in the field, much to their worry.

"Hey, Buddy, hey, Molly, have you seen Patch or Oddball?" Atticus asked as he entered the area.

"No, we came to find our pups, but they aren't here." Molly frowned.

"Yeah, only their toys are left behind." Buddy added in.

"Well, knowing them, they must be getting themselves into some kind of trouble." Atticus said.

"Where could they be though?" Molly frowned, worried since she was a mother after all.

"I don't know, but we better go and find them." Atticus said.

"Come on, let's go!" Buddy sounded urgent.

Cherry was on the front porch and gently swinging herself back and forth on the swing.

"Cherry, have you seen Patch?" Atticus asked.

"He isn't at your house?" Cherry sounded slightly concerned.

"No and neither is Oddball, and the Buddies are missing too." Atticus said.

"That's not good..." Cherry said. "I was wondering why I haven't been trampled by a bunch of slobbering, mangy mutts today yet."

Mo began to come into the area, looking worried along with Angel, Scamp, and his sisters minus Colette.

"I can't smell her scent anywhere." Danielle pouted.

"Neither can I." Annette added in.

"Same here." Scamp and Angel added.

"Oh, where could she be?" Mo asked, worried.

"Colette's missing too?" Atticus came to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, she just went out for a bit, I thought it was just to take a nap." Mo said.

"This can't be good..." Atticus held his head. "Maybe Drell knows something..."

Cherry, Atticus, and Mo then went into the Netherworld to the Witches Council building, but saw a note on the door.

"'Gone away for a week due to Edipan-The one week a year where magic takes a holiday, including us, see you next week: Drell, Penelope, and Skippy'." Cherry read the note aloud.

"OH, COME ON!" Atticus exclaimed.

"Well, I'm actually relieved in a way, let's go get some pizza, your guys's treat..." Cherry walked off.

"We can't let the dogs be gone like this though!" Mo held her back. "We have to bring them back! They could get hurt!"

"You do realize that Patch is the strongest dog in the world and is now a familiar, right?" Cherry asked.

"You just don't understand about the bond between a dog and their owner..." Mo sighed.

"No, I don't, I'm a cat person..." Cherry defended.

"Listen, if they are in any danger, I will know it right away." Atticus said.

"Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about..." Cherry said. "Especially a bunch of mutts that you grew up with, Mo who always fought for you while you just stood there."

Mo growled like a rough bulldog and tackled Cherry down on the ground, pinning her down aggressively. "IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!"

"Temper, temper..." Cherry grew nervous suddenly. "I wouldn't dream of challenging you."

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now