chapter 4

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Meanwhile back with Patch, Colette, Oddball, and the Buddies...

"Gosh, guys," Budderball panted as he came out first. "I can't believe we're alive."

"That was hot, dawg!" B-Dawg commented.

Rosebud sniffed the ground and looked confused. "What's wrong with the grass? It's cold!"

"It's my dream come true," Budderball gushed before trying to eat his surroundings. "We're surrounded by vanilla ice cream!"

"Where's the dirt?" MudBud whimpered.

"Buddies, Oddball, Colette, I don't think we're in Fernfield anymore." Patch said.

"This ice cream isn't sweet, it isn't ice cream, IT'S MY WORST NIGHTMARE!" Budderball suffered the most.

"I don't know where we are, Uncle Patch, but we have to go back home." Oddball replied.

"Yeah, but which way is home?" Colette asked.

MudBud sniffed. "It all smells the same... How are we gonna find our way home?"

"Patch, why don't you teleport us home?" Colette asked.

"Of course!" Patch face-pawed. "Alright... Everyone gather around!"

The Buddies, Colette, and Oddball gathered around the teenage dalmatian.

"Here we go!" Patch called before concentrating to teleport them back home.

They began to wait for the magic to happen.

"Any second now..." Patch said.

Nothing seemed to be happening.

Patch sighed, he then stood up on his hind legs and took off his collar. "What is wrong with you?!" he then glared at his collar since it wasn't using its magic like it should have been.

The magic began to start to glow on it, but then stop as it seemed as though it wasn't teleporting them out.

"What in the world?" Patch glared angrily.

"What is it, Patch?" Colette asked as she came to his side.

"My medallion isn't working." Patch said.

"Why not?" Colette asked.

"I-I'm not sure, I think it's stuck." Patch frowned.

"Now what do we do?" Budderball asked.

Patch sighed. "I'm not sure, let's just hope we can get back home."

"What if we never get home?" Oddball sniffled. "What if I never see Jessica ever again?"

"Yes, we will and you will see Jessica again." Budderball assured her.

"You think so?" Oddball asked with a sniffle.

"I know so." Budderball said.

Oddball sniffled still.

Budderball nuzzled against her. "Come on, we can do this, your uncle's been through worse with us."

"Worse?!" Oddball yelped.

"Uh, he means that in a good way, Oddy!" Rosebud tried to calm her down.

"Come on, we better find a place to stay before it becomes night." Patch said.

"Stick with us, Oddball." Colette advised.

Oddball came closer to her fellow puppies as Patch and Colette took the lead.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now