chapter 11

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Colette yawned and looked to the golden retriever puppy with a silver chain. "B-Dawg?"

"What are you doing up?" Patch asked

"Oh, no reason." B-Dawg replied.

"B-Dawg...?" Patch gave the puppy a long look.

"You can tell us." Colette said.

"It's nothing..." B-Dawg backed away.

"You can tell us anything, B-Dawg." Colette said.

B-Dawg looked away.

"B-Dawg..." Rosebud came to her brother. "Please..."

B-Dawg sighed, knowing that the sooner he told them, the sooner he would be okay. "Okay, I'll tell you..."

Patch, Colette, and Rosebud then sat back, anxious to hear about his little dilemma.

"I-I'm scared." B-Dawg said.

"Of what?" Patch asked softly.

"Yeah." Colette added.

"Everything..." B-Dawg admitted. "I just feel worried... What if we never go back home?"

"Yes, we will." Patch assured him.

"I just don't like this..." B-Dawg admitted.

"We'll be back home soon." Patch said.

"I wanna go now..." B-Dawg said.

"We will, it's going to be okay, B-Dawg." Colette comforted him the best that she could as a surrogate mother.

Patch joined in and began to comfort B-Dawg as well the best he could.

"I just... I just... I'm not that brave..." B-Dawg admitted.

"B-Dawg, believe it or not, I'm scared too." Patch said.

"You are...?" B-Dawg asked, surprised that Patch could be scared of anything.

"Yes." Patch nodded.

"No way..." B-Dawg replied.

"B-Dawg, we're all scared of something," Patch replied. "Even grown-up dogs."

"But sometimes, we have to face our fears." Colette said.

"I don't know if I could..." B-Dawg wasn't so sure.

"Sure you can, it's like acting." Patch said.

B-Dawg looked over.

"Just pretend you're like a superdog who's not afraid of anything and your brothers and sister need you." Colette coached.

"Yeah." Patch agreed.

"Okay." B-Dawg said.

"It's okay to be scared, but you need to be brave." Colette said.

"How do I pretend I'm not scared?" B-Dawg asked.

"Try to think of something that makes you feel brave." Patch coached.

B-Dawg tried to think.

"Think... Like Thunderbolt." Patch suggested, knowing how much he admired the dog when he was a much smaller pup.

B-Dawg began to think about the heroic dog Patch mentioned.

"You remember Thunderbolt, don't you?" Patch prompted.

"Yeah, a little." B-Dawg smiled as he felt motivation.

"That's good." Colette smiled.

"You can do it!" Patch smiled as well.

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