chapter 2

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"Here they come!" Patch told Oddball.

"Oh, boy!" Oddball cheered.

"Okay, settle down." Patch chuckled.

"Sorry, Uncle Patch." Oddball smiled sheepishly.

And where it seemed only three of the Buddies arrived.

Patch came out with a smile to meet the Buddies. "Hello!"

"Hi, Patch!" the Buddies smiled.

"I have someone who'd like to see--" Patch replied, then saw it was just three. "Um... Weren't there five of you?" he then rhetorically asked, knowing there were five Buddies, but was curious why they weren't all there.

"Hey, dawgs, is it safe to come out?" B-Dawg asked from behind a bush.

"Coast is clear, B-Dawg." Patch replied.

Oddball poked her head out of the doggy door as she saw the golden retriever puppies of the famous sport-playing canine himself.

"As you were saying, Patch?" Buddha asked.

Patch looked to his niece and urged her to come on out and meet her friends.

Oddball halfway smiled and walked over to her uncle's side to meet the Buddies. "H-Hello." she smiled.

"You guys remember Oddball, right?" Patch prompted with a smile.

"Of course I do!" Rosebud rushed over and held her paw up high to the other female puppy. "High-paw, BFDFFL!"

"Huh?" Budderball, Buddha, MudBud, and B-Dawg asked, confused.

"Best Female Dog Friend For Life." Rosebud translated with an eye roll to her brothers.

Oddball high-pawed Rosebud back with a smile and giggle.

"Ohh." Budderball, MudBud, Buddha, and B-Dawg said, understanding.

"Boys..." Oddball and Rosebud rolled their eyes, then smiled to each other.

"So, what else did you have to tell us, Patch?" Budderball asked.

"Oddball will be here for most of the summer," Patch smiled. "Her owner's getting married next month."

"That's wonderful!" Rosebud smiled.

"Uh-huh," Oddball beamed brightly. "I'm so happy for her..." she then sighed in wonder. "Ooh, I wonder if I'll ever get married~..."

"Maybe you'll get married to Budderball since he couldn't stop talking about you after you left." MudBud teased playfully.

"Huh?" Oddball asked.

"Hey, come on, guys, I do not!" Budderball defended.

"Indeed, you do talk about her all the time and how beautiful she is." Buddha teased playfully.

"Looks like you've got a boyfriend, Oddball." Patch smiled to his niece.

"Oh, my..." Oddball's eyes widened and she blushed slightly.

"Guys!" Budderball whined while blushing.

"Now, now, that's enough," Patch stopped them like a responsible father figure. "How's about we play a game, huh?"

"Yay!" The puppies cheered.

"What should we play?" Patch asked.

"New rules, we meet at the field and whoever makes it there first gets to decide." Rosebud said as she carried her soccer ball.

"Meet you there!" The rest of the Buddies said and started carrying their own sport balls.

"Where's the field?" Oddball whispered to her uncle.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now