chapter 20

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As if on cue, Buddy, Molly, Angel, Scamp, Danielle, and Annette were coming. And not just them, but there was also Atticus and Mo! Along with Jessica and Christopher.

"Wow, I did not see that coming." Patch said.

"Jessica!" Oddball squealed to her owner, then rushed out of the hooks and reigns, jumping on top of her.

Jessica laughed as she fell backwards into the snow with her puppy licking at her face. "Okay, okay, down, Oddball, down!" she called between laughs. "I missed you too!"

Patch and Colette both soon did the same thing as the magic in Patch's spell seemed to now wear off. They then turned back magically into their original ages.

"Buddies!" Buddy smiled to his puppies as he and Molly embraced the five of them.

"Good job, Bernie, good job." The Sheriff smiled as he pet his St. Bernard for finding and reuniting everyone.

"Yo, what's crackalakin'?" B-Dawg asked the ones who had come all this way just to look for them. "What are you doing rollin' in this hood?"

"Say what now?" Oddball asked, confused.

"He wants to know why everyone's here." Budderball explained his smooth-talking brother.

"Oh." Oddball understood now.

"We came all this way to find you guys," Mo said to the dogs. "We were worried."

"Especially us, Sis." Scamp said to Colette.

"Yeah." Annette said.

Colette smiled and nuzzled against her siblings warmly and happily.

"Besides, we were right behind you the whole time." Buddy smiled as he stood with Molly.

"You were?" Budderball asked.

"Of course," Molly replied.

"Your mom and I would search to the ends of the Earth to find you five." Buddy added in.

"Where's MudBud?" Molly then wondered.

"Mom, I'm right in front of you." MudBud replied, hard to recognize due to not being at all dirty.

"Wow, MudBud, we hardly recognized you, your fur is so clean." Mo smiled.

"Yes, your coat is spotless!" Molly agreed.

"I know, I look disgusting." MudBud groaned.

Shasta looked in the distance at this family reunion.

"Shasta, are you okay?" Rosebud asked.

"Even though I can't see my mom and dad, I know they're still with me." Shasta replied softly.

"They will always be with you, Shasta." Patch assured him.

Shasta felt so blessed to have found these new friends.

"Guys, look!" Oddball pointed.

The others looked as Jean George was being chased by his dog team who had enough of his bossiness and tyrannical behavior towards them, especially when he left them for dead back in the ice.

"That is what I call karma in action." Atticus said.

"Yep." Patch happily agreed as Jean George was finally getting what he deserved.

"Congratulations, young man." the Sheriff handed a trophy to Adam.

Adam's parents were so proud and they took his picture with his dog sled team.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now