U.T.A.H Underground Training Assassin High

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Wow! This guy can really punch who does he think he is swinging at me like there's no tomorrow.

All I did was kill his wife, he didn't even love her. He cheated on her and only god knows what else.

(OOWW! Sir was that necessary) well I should be paying attention. ( YOU KILLED HER YOU EVIL BITCH)

( Actually, when the police get here you killed her,then yourself sad sad story) with that I stop have fun

And knock him out with round house kick, and hit the pressure points in his neck. ( Ashleigh! Now you decided to show) ( Sorry did you have to take out 6 gards and a dog!) ( Well no but, he hit me) ( If you

Won't have been playing around he wouldn't have hit you) urgh if I could beat her up I would.( where is the twins) ( they are arguing Micah wants to blow up the dogs, because he wasn't needed today.Troy is stopping it's really entertaining) ( that's why you didn't come right in to help did you make a video atleast

)(no)( called them in we need to setup the scene)

* 2 hours later*

(Hey Ms. V everything was a success with the mission) ( well then come back in a few hours I'll havehave something for you guys) ok so here is what's going on. My name is Jarmillia but I go by Milli , I am assassin along with my best friends. I'm specialties are killing with all weapons, and pressure points,I also rank second in mix martial arts. Ashleigh is best in fighting in all forms in mix marital arts. Then we have the twins. Troy is a hacker and the best, he makes geek squad look like babies. Then there's Micah he is great at blowing shit up. We all are in high school we go to U.T.A.H underground training assassin high Ms. V is our head mistress. I know what you're thinking how do you know your not killing innocents well

first i do my research then I prove it to make sure they are guilty second I'm nobody's fool I don't kill for fun I kill for justice.

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighWhere stories live. Discover now