U.T.A.H CH.19

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* Ashleigh pov *

Waking up the next morning I still had to laugh, I can't believe Troy he had got me a bra and thong candy set. Chuckling to my self I got up and started getting ready for the day, hoping to get an assignment to take my mind off of Justin would be go. When people say love makes you sick it's true. Waking up Milli I decide I wanted to go to the beach. " Hey Milli you want to go to the beach" " huh can't we watch the movies, my stomach hurts from all the cake and junk food" " come on please for me" I say giving her my best puppy dog look " That shit doesn't work for me, but for you ok" Running back to my room I threw on my bikini grab my beach towel and Sun block. Waiting on Milli, I started thinking about Justin I miss him sooooop much my heart aches for him. Telling anyone about our could get me killed, it truly sucks. Sighing I go and see what's taking her so long, going in her room the bitch is in the bed knocked out. Deciding to just see if ms. V has any work I can do, I go change and then go to her office. " Good morning" " good morning, what can I do for you?" "I was wondering do you have any missions I can do" She starts looking through her files and hands one to me. " thanks" Going back to my room,I look through the file. Getting dress for this mission is easy, dressing really sexy I head out. The pump is easy to spot walking to the bar I sit down waiting on the bartender. " hello there sexy can I buy you a drink?" " No thanks I can buy my own" Have looks taken back, I guess nobody has refused him before. " My name is kal, and you are?" " Really getting annoyed" " Somebody should really teach you a lesson" " nobody has yet, your wasting your time" " oh really we'll see about that" Grabbing my arm he pulls me off the stool, dragging me out the back door. We get to what I assumed to be his car, throwing me in the car. He gets in and starts driving " where are you taking me" I truly wanted to roll my, this is going to be funny. " I ask where are you taking me, this is fucking kidnapping" he still says nothing trying the doors, they have the child proof lock " when I get out of here I'm calling the police" " who said your getting out of here, huh bitch" wow this ass thinks his about to rape me then kill, huh it's his death only he doesn't know that. " I'm sorry I'll let you buy me a drink" " to late for that you little slut, now shut the fuck up" Finally stopping the car, grabbing me by my hair have drags me into woods like area. " Strip" " www what" " I said strip" " fight me, if you beat me I'll strip" " bitch I'm in control here, not you got that" Walking up to him I punch him with all my might. Breaking his nose I then kicked his right one cap hearing a loud pop noise, knowing O dislocated it I quickly disarmed him. Taking the gun I threw it to the side, kicking his right knee dislocating it. Spinning around I kick him in the ribs breaking at least three, he fell to the ground groaning in pain. Jumping on top of him I let loose swing with everything in me, getting all my hurt and pain out. Looking down at the damage I caused. He was bloody and not moving, there was blood all over me I probably looked like a mad women. Picking up his gun I made my way to his car. Walking to my room I showered before going to check in with ms. V. That's how the next few weeks went. Getting sick has been a regular occurrence, just like beating someone to death no matter what I do the pain is always there.

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