U.T.A.H CH. 28

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* Ashleigh pov *

Waking up at six in the morning I took a shower and then dressed, waking up Ameila bathing her feeding her. Waking up Justin so he can shower I packed all our things, by the time we were all ready to go it was seven thirty. Getting in the truck we hit a drive-thru for breakfast, we decided to move to a small town in Kansas called greenewells. It's going to be to be a two day trip, I'll be driving at night and Justin during the day. Arriving in Greenewells it was refreshing and new, stopping at a local diner for dinner. It was empty it was a ghost town at night, " Hi I'm Kim, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" She was nice and talkative we could be friends. " I'll have sprite, he will take a coke and do you have bottled water?" " Ok and yes we do." " can I get a that warm for the baby." " sure thing." In less then five minutes she was back with our drinks. " " Have you decided on your meal?" " I'll have French toast with scrambled eggs bacon and sausage. Baby?" " I'll have the cheese burger with fries." Justin said. After waiting about twenty minutes Kim came back Ameila was sleep in her car seat. " Is there anything else you would need?" " yes, do you know where a hotel is around here and do you know and houses for rent?" " I have a house in renting the bottom half out, it has two rooms a living room the washer and dryer down there also the master bedroom has a full bathroom, you'll have to come up stairs for the kitchen. You can come look at it when I'm off in half an hour?" " Ok, can we see it?" After eating and paying we followed her outthe diner. " do you not have a car?" " umm no it's only about half a mile." " get in were driving." " I know this sounds stupid, but I don't even know your names?" " I'm Ashleigh this is my husband Justin and our daughter Ameila." Five minutes later we pull up to a blue house trimmed in white, it looks really cozy. It is a four bedroom two and a half bath a medium size kitchen it was reallynice. " how much to move in now and how much a month?" "A month it cost me around six hundred for me we can split that down the middle you can buy your own food. If that alright with you." " ok how about we give you five hundred now, are you behind on any bills at this time?" " Wow really, and yes but with that money I can catch up thank you so much your really helping me out." " ok,, is there a store open to get some air mattresses around here?" " umm no you guys can take the spare room ithas a bed." Justin took our stuff and a sleeping Ameila to the room. Kim and I sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other. " how far behind are you on the house?" She looks down ashamed " my parents died six months ago, I've been barely getting by, I've taken two loans out on the house, sold my car. It's been really hard." She says breaking down. " ok, how much I can help." " around thirty thousand, you don't have to with the money your paying me I'll be fine, I work two jobs it will be fine as long as you can pay rent." " I can't give you all the money at once, but I have it ok I'll pay you bit by bit but nobody can know we are here deal?" " Are you serious?" " yes, I'm serious I cannot tell you why the less you know the better." Going in the spare room I grabbed seven thousand. " here is five for the house and two to get you a car ok." " wow are you guys bank robbers?" " I can't tell you, but no we aren't and no more questions ok." " ok" " goodnight, see you in the morning" I walked off before she could say anything. She is a nice person and I know she will be a great friend. Laying down by Ameila I turn on my music My Love by Sia started to play. This song always relaxes me, today was a great day everything happened for the best with that last thought I went to sleep.

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