U.T.A.H CH.37

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The whole way to go to my daughter, my nerves were wrecked my heart was beating nearly out my chest. Trying to get a grip on the situation was hard, if anyone and I mean anyone touched my daughter I'll bring havoc to this place called the world. Hoping for the best I really didn't want to kill my best friends mom, but I will if needed be hell if Milli got in my way she'd have to go down to. When all said and done my daughter better be safe and sound in Kims care. Processing everything that's has happened since returning to the school I could see the looks ms. V has been giving me, the whack ass assignments everything. She is like a mother to me how could she do this to me, she had to have planned this since I was in Chile. When Milli had showed up out of the blue everything was fucking planned out. Did Milli know ? No because she wouldn't have told me. How does J.B. fit into this? Who else is involved? These are the questions running through my head. " Yo Ash you hear me?" Coming back from my thoughts I didn't even know Milli was sitting across from me. " huh? What you say?" She looked at me like I was crazy. " I said I talked to the pilot, my mom is hiding something she has him checking in with her, he hasn't yet I told him not to and paid him greatly for it." "" can I ask you something I'm sorry but it has to be done?" " yeah of course" " are you involved in and type of way? " " what the fuck you mean? Fuck no if I was I wouldn't have told you shit. That's my niece your my sister. My mom is into some foul shit that I could never be apart of." Looking at her I saw the truth, but then again we are assassins so I got to keep my eyes open. " I'm sorry I had to ask" " naw I feel you if I was in your place I would have done the same" " you know if it comes down to it I'll kill her you know they right?" " That's my mom so I have to tell you this what happens happens, but I'm not responsible for me actions I honestly don't know what I'll do so we going to have to wait on that. I love you and I got your back and I trust your judgement I can't fault you that's your little one she's fucking with." " thank you it means alot to me to hear you say that." The rest of the way was silent between us both in our own thoughts. After arriving at the airport we rented a car and made the twenty minute drive to Kim's house. When we made it there it was about 6:30 the sun was setting, so she should be eating dinner. Using my key we went in the house silently. It was dark no lights were on her car is in the driveway, so I know she is here. Pulling out my gun Milli followed my lead, after searching the bottom floor we made our way up stairs. Reaching the top floor the bathroom light was on and you could hear water splashing. Making my way to the door I peaked through the cracked door. Kim was bathing Ameila, putting my gun away. I open the door further " hey Kim I need to talk to you" startled she turned around. " ok, let me take her out." " No need. Milli can you finish bathing her?" " No problem." Walking into her bedroom she sat on here bed. " What's wrong you never use the key to come in? Not that I mind you bought the house." She keep rambling if the situation was different I would have laughed, but it's not. "I believe someone is after you and my dauhter, we came here to move you guys to a different location. You may or may not be able to come back. Start packing enough for three days." She sat there trying to process what I just told her. Grabbing two duffel bags, she got moving. Throwing some shirts, pants, underwear, she grabbed a few more things. Zipping up the bag she grabbed the empty one going into Angela's room. Grabbing her bag I placed it in the hallway. While she was packing diapers I heard the window break down stairs, pushing Kim in the closet I pulled out my gun I could hear my baby crying I knew in a few seconds she is about to scream. Hearing around four sets of foot steps, I got ready. Firing off two shots the guy fell right in front of the door, after that all hell broke loose, reaching my hand out the door I fired off six more shots. Grabbing a clip I quickly reloaded. Getting a running start I jumped over the dead body and ran into the study right across the hall. Seeing two more to go I pulled out my second gun. " STRAIGHT!" Knowing Milli got the message I walked ( straight) into the line of fire. Shooting the guy that was reaching up the top of the stairs in the head his body rolled down, his partner peaked his head around the corner. Sliding down the handrail I randomly shot off eight shots. Jumping off I put my back against the wall. Waiting on him to extend his arm, when he did I disarmed him while breaking it in the process. " who sent you?" He said nothing, putting my foot on the back on his neck I turned in the lights. Flipping him over I looked him in his face, his name was Trevor a first year. " you know who I am?" " yes, I do" " good then you know I'll kill your ass if you don't tell me what I want to know." " Ms. V" " what is you assignment?" " To kill the kidnapper named Kim, she killed and stole an agent's baby." " that's a fucking lie. That baby your trying to kidnap is my daughter. You've been played." " what you have a kid?" That's irrelevant to you. What is the plan after you accomplished your task??" " to take the baby to her, call her when we are on the way." " Well then that's what you'll do." Getting off of him I waited until he stood " you have two choices one you die one you live. Which one you want?" "I want to live." " Ok, disarm yourself and then follow me." Watching him he did as I asked, searching the areas he didn't pull a weapon from he was good. Walking up the stairs I went to the bathroom. " thanks Milli." " it's nothing" watching her she got Angela from under the sink. " bitch before you start I was thinking fast let her drown or put her under the sink, I choose the latter." Rolling my eyes I grabbed my daughter and we all went into Ameila's room.

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