U.T.A.H CH.18

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* Milli pov *

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!!" " Milli if you love me please for the love of god let me sleep" " but it's my besties birthday, what kind of bestie would I be to let you sleep " " the kind that doesn't sport a black eye " She leaves me no choice ripping the covers off her, she swings at me but I block it. " Just open you present and you can go back to sleep" Knowing once she opens it she'd be wide awake.

* Ashleigh pov *

" Fine I will, but you promise to let me sleep?" " Of course silly" She hands me two boxes, they look like two packs of playing cards. Opening the one on top I gasp, tears running down my face. Its a mickey mouse necklace with colored diamond encrusted into platinum, its beautiful. " Don't cry I know your Ass better not lose it." " It's beautiful Ill never take it off so no worries about me losing it" "Open the other present" Opening the second present it is a anklet matching the the necklace. " I love them thank you so much" I say giving her a big ass hug. Mickey mouse is my favorite always has been. Getting out of bed I plan my outfit for today picking out a black and red shirt with a black skirt,I got to pick out some heels but I start getting nauseous. Running to the bathroom I make it just in time.

* Milli pov *

She loves them just like I knew she would, and it got her ass out of bed. Going to get dress I'm taking my bestie it to breakfast. Running like a bullet to the bathroom is Ashleigh, she has never liked her birthday much due to her being born, she isn't suicidal or anything it's just her mom gave birth to her on this day. Going to check on her I heard the shower on so I know she is fine. Thinking about my family I'm grateful my mom wasn't around much because she was here, yeah my mom is ms. V. No is not weird calling her ms. V I do it because others would thank she is showing favoritism towards me only Ashleigh knows. Pulling me out of my thinking is Ashleigh. " Why are you by the bathroom door?" " I was seeing if you were alright I guess I spaced out thinking" Walking into the restaurant for breakfast, we just talk and laugh like we always do. " so what do you want to do on your day" she gets ready to say something but gets up and books it to the bathroom. " I think I'm coming down with something how about we just watch all our favorite movies together." " Ok that's fine, do to want to go get some medicine?" " naw I'lljust sleep it off later" Going to the movie store we get all the Transporter's , Transformers, anything else we wanted to see, by the time we leave we have enough movies for three days. Stopping by the store I picked up her cake I ordered, can you guess what it was? Yep that's right mickey mouse. Heading to our room the twins were there. " If you guys don't stop breaking into our room I'm going to sale your asses on the black market" " please you wouldn't want to start a war, everyone would want to buy me" Troy says I swear that boy is so full of himself. " what the hell about me? Troy not everybody wants you you know" I start laughing " yeah because I sure don't" I said Micah second that and Ash third it. The look on his face was funny we all started laughing. " Keep laughing Ash and you won't get your present from me" She instantly stops " hey who said I was laughing" she says " I would never tell me who laughed and we can get them" she says with a serious face, but her eyes are betraying her. Did I ever tell you she is a present slut, well she is. She loves being showered with gifts. Troy hands her a gift bag she opens it " how did you know I always wanted this?" " well good maybe you can put it on later for me" Curiosity got the best of me looking in the bag Ashleigh and I burst out laughing, holding our side tears down our faces " I....got.....to....pee" " it's not nice why are you laughing, I hope you pee on yourselves" Troy storms out the room. Micah looks in the bag and the laughing starts all over again. Honestly I don't know why he always trying he's a virgin and we all know it. "Ash why you hey his hopes up like that?" " Because his face is priceless every time, and he is a perv" settling down we eat and sing happy birthday once troy comes back and watch movies all night, I think she enjoyed her birthday. Micah gave her throwing knives that blow up when they penetrate a surface, that boy and his explosives.

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