U.T.A.H CH. 35

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Waking up to my cell phone going off I answer it. " J.B. is going in the school tonight, Thursday is when he is going to blow up the school." " Who the hell is J.B.?" " Jorge Barns Milli give him the nickname lol, and I thought y'all were bestie? Ha" " we are urgh did you find anything on ms. V ?" " not really just some shit about mission K.A.? I can't make anything of it, I'm bugging her office tonight she has a banquet to go to so tonight's my chance." " ok thanks call us if you find out anything else. Oh and email me the file of mission K.A." " when you turn onyour laptop it'll be there." " alright and bye." " ok and good luck for tonight." After showering and getting dress I wake up my laptop, signing into my email I open the file Troy sent. Reading the file it's about some baby and killing the guardian in a month and raising the baby as an assassin, that's it nothing more nothing less there's no names or pictures. Brushing it off I order some room service for breakfast, I'm glad my daughter is safe thisis the type of shit I didn't want her in. It's seven at night and we are loading bullets into clips, taking out my holster I put the clips in with my gun that already has a silencer on it, carefully I put the throwing knife that Micah made for me inside the sheath that I connected to my thigh high boots. Putting on my shoulder holster I put my gun with the silencer on it, on the left side my clips on the right. Doing my hair and make up I put on my trench coat and tie it loosely checking myself in the mirror I look like I'm about to party. Millions comes out dressed just like me only in black and I'm in red. Walking to the car we make the short drive to the school parking facing the school into a random person drive way we playthe waiting game. Two hours later both our phones go off, he entered on the north side of the building. We both decide to stick together this time putting in our ear pieces, we silently enter the school. Pulling out my gun with my right hand I grab my knife with the left. Walking down the dark hallway with me on the right Mills on the left. Peeking inside the classrooms we see nothing hearing a door open and close we follow the direction it came from. Hiding behind the lockers we both watch him go into another classroom walking quickly, but still silently. Reaching for the door knob the door burst open, I quickly move back but Milli wasn't fact enough. He bomb rush me knocking my gun out my hand. He took off down the hallway with Milli and I behind him. Milli started shooting, but nothing hit him. Throwing my knife before he cut the corner. Grabbing milli I push her down not even a milliseconds later we here and explosion. Getting up we head down the hallway he is about 3/4 of a football field away from us and gaining. Running with everything I have I pull out my gun, every time my hand goes up I shoot off a shot. Reaching for my clip Milli follows my lead we have silent shots going and we still can't hit him. Reloading my gun I sprint harder and faster slowing down I line up a shot and finally get him in the shoulder. Picking up my speed once again I behind milli like half a block looking ahead he makes a left through some yard. Putting my gun away I cut through the next yard jumping the small fence like it's a hurdle( from the track team I think that's what they are called) running along side of the house there is a ten foot tall chain link gate. Running up the side of the house I grab the gate and flip myself over it, coming into the ally I turn right and continue running at my top speed. " Milli where are y'all?" " running when he made that left he turn right two streets down you'll see a blue house with a white car in the drive way." Running I follow her directions " when yoee the white house with a red car and a black car turn right" I continue on my run out of nowhere I hear gun shots like two blocks away " shit shit shit I'm hit Ash get a car please." " I'm on it." Running I see a 94 Honda civic breaking passenger window I unlock the doors, hot wiring the car I drive off " where are you?" After she tells me I see her leaning against car. Jumping out I help her into the back seat closing the door I jump in the car and drive off. " what happen?" " the fucker shot me twice!" " no need for hostility geezish." Pulling up a block away from the hotel I tie up her and I trench coats and help her inside. Reaching our room I grab A chair and sit it in front of the bed, taking off our coats I sit her in the chair. Getting the medical kit I order a bottle of tequila waiting on them to bring it up I take my gear off. Answering the door on the first knockI give Milli the bottle. Going into the bathroom I scrub my hands and arms, letting them air dry. Putting the gloves on I thread the needles, taking out the gauze and tape. Putting a gag in her mouth, I pour the tequila on her first wound the shoulder. Taking the freezer and began removing the bullet and fragments. After twenty minutes the wound is cleaned out I pour my tequila on and start stitching it up. Putting the gauze on I tape it in place then move to her next shoulder, after I'm finished playing doctor I remove the gag from her mouth. " thanks for that." " no problem, I'm about to head back to the school and remove the bomb, get our guns and car." " do you want me to come with you?" " Naw I'm going alone rest up I'll be back with some medicine for your pain." " ok, be careful and come back in one piece please." " I will." After cleaning up the mess and getting dress, I grab my weapons and put them in place, driving the stolen car to the school, I grab a backpack and head into the school. Grabbing our weapons I start to look for the bomb he placed walking down the hall I search the classrooms. Finally finding the bomb I call Micah " yo I got a bomb I need to deactivate, I'm sending a picture now." Sending him a picture " ah Ash you can't, only he can. I've never seen one like this. Take more pictures and just call a bomb squad that way nobody gets hurt." " ok thanks" hanging up I look at the time I have six hours until the school blows up grabbing garbage bins I empty all the lockers. It takes me two and a half hours, after I'm finished I call up the bomb squad and let them know what's up, I take the bins to the football field and then drove back to Milli. Taking the medical bag out the trunk I go to the room and wake up Milli. " hey I'm fine, but I have to start your drip." " ok" starting her IV, I setup the morphine and every three hours it'll give her the correct amount. Then I got ready for bed what a night.

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora