U.T.A.H CH. 32

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* Milli pov *

Waking up groaning I look over to my alarm clock it's 6:37 in the morning. Ashleigh sitting at the edge of my bed grinning her ass off. " Why are you up so early grinning like a monkey that found her banana?" " because I get to see Ameila today, and I want you to come with me?" " urgh what time, I swear if you weren't my besties I'd skin you where your sitting, that and I don't want blood on my blanket and sheets." " that hurts, but yeah we leave in 45 mins after we can finish our mission so bring everything you'd need. CHOPCHOP." Laughing I get up packing my weapons first, I then jump in the shower. Throwing on some skinny jeans and a yellow dress shirt, I put on my boots. Sliding a knife into each of my boots, throwing on my black leather jacket I put a gun behind my back and another with a silencer in its holder with the clips to the left inside. Walking out I met Ashleigh by the door we head to my car. Turning on the radio when head to a drive-thru to get some food and coffee to wake me up. Making the drive to Kim in under an hour . Getting out the car I follow Ashleigh to the door to Kim's house, it's a nice house with a front yard that's gated. The house is a two story yellow with white shutters nice green grass with a flower bed. Opening the door with a smile on her face is Kim she has gray eyes just like Ameila, she could actually pass for her mother if I didn't know any better. Watching Ashleigh take Ameila off of Kim's hip I follow her into the house. " hey, how are you doing Kim?" " I'm fine hi Milli how are you?" " I've been good can't complain." " would you guys like something to drink?" " no, I'm fine thank you though." I still don't like her my bestie is giving her way to fucking much money I mean I know that's her daughter she is rising, but darn two million would be enough to raise her send her to a great school and all. Sitting on her couch I lean my head back against the couch and shut my eyes, it's to early to be up. " hey Ameila meet your aunt Milli." I can hear the smile in Ashleigh's voice, opening my eyes she puts Ameila on my knee. " hey baby girl I'm your auntie Milli how you doing" I say in my baby voice, she just looks at me like I'm crazy then her face scrunches up and she starts crying, I don't even try to calm I quickly hand her over. " here you go Sleigh, she's all yours" I say. After a couple of hours we say our goodbye to each other. The drive back Ashleigh couldn't stop talking about her daughter, I'm glad she is happy though. Heading towards our mission now we head to TYC's ' Safehouse' that nobody knows about. It took about another hour to reach their location. Parkingmy car about a block awaywe put our bullet proof vest on and grab our duffel bag from last night. Putting the machine gun on my shoulder I grab a clip and put it in my jacket pocket. Walking the block to the location I welcome the fresh air of the secluded area knowing that there is nobody around to call the cops on us. Walking around the closed off building there was one way in only , but a lot of places to hide. Taking out my hand gun we make our way in side by side, wishing I bought in my night vision goggles cause it is dark and scary like the place in movies that dumb blondes run and hide in. Hearing voices I follow the hallway to a dimly lit area with two guards guarding a door shooting them both, I step over their bodies and peek through the window. Taking my smoke bomb I open the door and throw it in the door. Putting my gun away I take ahold of my machine gun hiding behind a pillar we wait until they run out Ashleigh is across from me in the same position. Fifteen seconds later people start running through the door. Ashleigh and I open fire as the get stuck in the door. Reloading our gun we step over the bodies taking my hand gun back out with a clip in my left hand we begin to search the place. The first floor was empty meaning the rest ran upstairs when they heard the shooting. Army crawling up the stairs finally making it to the top we begin to search the fifteen rooms the first seven were empty. Opening the next door I quickly side step has I hear the first bullet hit the wall by my head looking at Ashleigh I tell her to stay put grabbing my second gun I shoot my gun again dropping the clip. " Shit!" I say out loud Ashleigh just rolls her eyes at me. Hearing the foot steps I wanted a guy steps out " dumbass" I tell him then shot him in the head looking into the room nobody is in there killing three more people up there we burn the building down starting with the upstairs and the bodies. Leaving the crime scene behind us " we should go out to a club and celebrate our successful mission?" " Im down with that" driving back to the base we check in the go and take a power nap before we head out. Walking up at 8:45 I showered then did my hair and makeup, walking to my closet I put on a black dress with gold patterns and a built in gold necklace, the dress reached mid thigh I put on my matching heels. Walking into our living room I see Ashleigh in a white dress with red lace for the pattern it was really nice it reached about four inches before her knee she had on red heels with a white clutch. " Let's take my car I want to drive? Is that cool" " yeah it is" walking to her car I got in the passenger seat, driving out the parkinglot I turned on radio hearing ' look at me now' I turned it up and started dancing in my seat. Around twenty minutes later we arrive at the club seeing things line wrapped around the building. Walking up to the bouncers I handed them three hundred each to get in walking into the club the deejay was playing Ludacris walking up to the bar we got our drinks and started dancing. Around four drinks later I had Ashleigh to get me a drink while I used the bathroom. After using the bathroom I walked to the bar watching Ashleigh getting our drinks she reaches into her purse standing back she puts something into one of the drinks. Walking up to her " what did you get?" I asked her " I got sex on the beach" nodding my head she hands me the drink. " oh my goodness do you see her outfit" when Ashleigh turns to look I grab her drink " come on let's dance " sipping on my drink I watch her do the same. About an hour later I'm drunk and hungry " let's go get some food" " ok I'm starving" I just want to choke her she was going to kill me how could she. Getting outside we hail a cab going to a all night diner. Walking inside we seat ourselves. " Ashleigh why are you trying to kill me?" I ask her calmly " girl what are you talking about." " first you take me to go see Ameila then you want to drive here you never drive you haven't finished a drink all night until I challenged you to drinking the sex on the beach, I'm not stupid and I saw you put something in my drink." " well your right I I'm killing you I'm not trying you'll be dead in an hour and to answer your why question it's because you killed Justin you not only took my husband from me but you took ameila's father... so you have to die." Looking at her she was so calm cool and collected " well I'm sorry to say this but you drank that drink." " Milli Milli wake up we have to get ready to go." What the hell I was dreaming. " Whoa I just had a crazy ass dream girl." " really what was it about?" " we went to this club and you poisoned my drink but I switched it and you drank the drink and it was going to kill you in an hour. It was crazy. Would you try and kill me over Justin I thought we got passed that?" " wow that is crazy and no I wouldn't kill you over it I'm not passed it but I'm getting by day by day your my sister nothing will come between us ok" " ok thanks and I am sorry for killing him it was the only way." " I know you are so do you still want to hit the club up or not we can stay in get drunk and watch some movies?" " yeah let's stay in we can invite the twins." " ok "


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