U.T.A.H CH.7

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After finishing our drinks we headed to the dance floor, after scooping the place out. There is nothing that seems illegal going on, I could tell the mirrors on the ceiling were two way. Hmmm so there is an up stairs.... interesting. After partying for an hour we headed back to the bar. " What can I get to ms. Sand" the bartender asked, she ordered her drink. " I love your shoes" I told her " thanks, you cannot afford them and they aren't out yet." She says ha wait until she sees me on Monday. Heading was a blast a racer wanted to race, do they not know their cars. Rolling down my window i told him" this is a lamborghini, by time you shift into third gear I'll be home" I finished laughing " 5000 says you can't beat me ok" " your on, oh and don't try to back out on paying either" as soon as the light changed I took off fifteen second pass and we were home. " wow that was just wrong I was just about to shift to third and you car stop, you could of told me you lived close" he said laughing handing me my money " I did when I said you wouldn't shift to third gear you just wanted to lose your money" " your funny can I get your number" " naw you know where I live that's good enough for you" I said pulling off to park in the garage, walking into the house I knew something was up. Pulling my gun, we search the house, sitting in the kitchen was ms. V. Before we were able to say a word sure got up and slap the shit out of us. " What did I tell you about that damn gum, it gives you position away" We said nothing cause she was right. " why are you guys dress like that huh and do I smell liquor on the both of you." " We went to check out Matthews club, we blended in by sipping a drink." " What did you find" " Nothing much there is something up stairs he has two way mirror on the ceiling, and we ran into Jazmine Sand. That's it." " Tomorrow night you have a mission. The founder of U.T.A.H. daughter went missing. He wants the best , you cannot have your faces seen or talk Matthew is behind this. Also you will be going in blind, there is around thirty guards and twenty girls. Kill all the men."

Getting geared up to move out I'm nervous as hell. " what the hell you nervous about?" " This isn't just a regular mission if something happens to the daughter we are signing our death away." " huh well let's do the damn thing." " you ready to move out, oh grab some night vision goggles."

Walking towards the building I got say I love the feeling that comes with killing, the rush is like sky diving with bullets. You know when you're playing a video game and your like I would love to be in action, well I am sweet. " front or back" Ashleigh says " I'll take the back door" " I know you would Ooww!" " get serious" " you didn't have to punch me shit"

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