U.T.A.H CH. 24

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* Mill pov *

" HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!!! I'm your daughter" " It's done you've been out of control, hell two months ago you killed Sabra" " how could you bring that up she killed herself by getting in the way" " the ticket is bought I'll see you in two weeks" Storming out the bitch of my mother's office I go to my room to pack. How could she bring up Sabra I was starting to like her she got in the way during a mission not my fault. Packing my stuff I just throw some things in my bag, going away for two weeks I don't even know where I'm going. Hearing to the airport I have ten guards following me, I couldn't even drive myself. Checking in my bags I found out I'm heading to Costa Rica, what language do the speak there what the fuck all she does is send ten guards with a envelope full of cash, some mother she is. Waiting to board my flight.

" Ashleigh pov"

After being here for a little over three months, its been pure bliss I tell you in seven months along. He was excited when I told him, he's been there for all my doctor appointments, when I have cravings he goes and get what I want he is perfect. Walking along the beach we go to a ice cream stand ordering what my baby wants I feel someone grab my ass?

" Milli pov"

Getting off the plane I grab a cab to the nearest hotel, getting in my room I unpack my clothes. Since it's still early might as well have a look around throwing on my swimming gear I throw some clothes on top of it. Heading out I headed to the beach might as well find some fun for tonight walking around with my feet in the sand I see a couple walking hand in hand from the back she looks like Ashleigh but I can't tell. Trailing them the head to an ice cream stand, hearing her voice I know it's her grabbing her ass I quickly duck.

"Ashleigh pov"

Quickly turning around I swing blindly while turning, looking no one is there looking down I see her, I thought I'd never see her again grabbing her in a huge hug. " OMG I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! How have you been? What are you doing here?"

" Milli pov "

" I've missed you to. I've been getting by here and there. My mom made me come she said I was getting out of control yadayada." " what she mean you were getting out of control?" " well I kinda killed my roommate, tortured some victims you know the usual." " WHAT! You killed your roommate?" " No she got her self killed by my bullet she killed herself I just pulled the trigger that's all" " wow thanks for the help when I left I wasn't even thinking about it." " it's cool, so what are you having you have gotten big?" " I'm having a little girl" " awww how sweet, we have to spend my two weeks together while I'm here since you left I've been going down hill since you left." " what are you kidding let's go get your stuff you're staying with us." The whole time we were catching up we forget about Justin. Getting my stuff from my hotel I paid for the two weeks don't need my mom tripping about that. Heading to Ashleigh's place it was so cute and homey, it's a four bedroom two bath it's so cute. I'm truly happy for her, putting my stuff in the guest room we head out to dinner. It was a nice and relaxed evening we had a sleep over in my room catching up I told her about my missions and how every thing has been since she left. " wow it has been going down, my life has been boring with no action, well I've been gettin action if you know what I mean" she says raising her eyebrows up and down. We start laughing it feels so good to be with her again. That's how my vacation went just relaxing and care free outside inside it didn't matter what we did, we promised to keep in touch with each other. It's funny she changed her name from Ashleigh to Ashlein, Justinkept his name just changed his last name. While I was out there they got married so now she is Ashlein Smith , I laughed they're Mr. And Mrs. Smith. When it came time to board my plane I didn't want to go she promise to email me pictures when the baby is born, I can't wait. After arriving back to the base I went straight to my room not caringthat I didn't check in, I still have to play the pissed off part.


Checking my email Ashleigh sent me a message saying she had the girl she named her Ameila leigh Smith I love the name. I've gotten back on track my mom doesn't trust me with a partner unless it's the twins, so I work alone. Clicking on the attachment I see Ameila for the first time she is beautiful she looks just like me, ok she doesn't but she is beautiful though.

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