U.T.A.H CH. 38

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A/N: the coming chapters will be mainly Ashleigh's pov I want to focus on what she's going through

* Ashleigh pov *

Packing the the important things like pictures and what not, we loaded Kim's truck with their things. After we had them loaded up I had Trevor call that bitch ms. V listening to him talk to her I wanted to kill her right there and then. She was happy the mission was a success she didn't even care about the casualties, after he hung up he had a smile on his face to bad it won't be there long. " I did great huh?" Aw bless his heart. Pulling out my gun his whole demeanor changed " I thought we were in this together? Why would you do this?" " Trevor you just turned on your leader within a split second your not going to cut it." Before he could blink my bullet was between his eyes. Getting in the truck I motioned for Milli to follow me., before we even made it down the street the house was in flames. Kim ducked with the quickness, if I was in the mood I would have laughed at her. "What's the plan now? They know where we were there could be more?" She just keep on going I know she is scared but damn. " Kim listen to me everything will be taken care of ok? My first priority is my daughter and you I will keep the two of you safe., as for your other question and concern the less you know right now the better, after this is all over with we are going to be free where you want to go we can, but this has to be handled properly ok?" I know she has to understand if not fuck it I'll just pay her off and move on. "I understand and I trust you with my life." Arriving at the motel we checked them in, after carrying some of the stuff up and leaving her a gun we headed out. Halfway there we reloaded or weapons and got ready for war. "I love you and no matter what I got your back til the end." " til the end " I repeated. Getting out the car I relaxed my neck and started walking my phone starts to ring so I answer it. " Hello" " Ash we lost him he got on a plane, I tracked the plane it's headed there." "alright thanks" looking to my right i see ms. V and J.B. heading towards a car. " Milli their to the right let's go to your car and follow them?" " cool" walking to her car we wait until they leave and then pull out 1/4 of a mile after them. " change the color cause she knows your car." She began flipping switches I look out her window and see a black lamborghini with purple shiny racing stripes. Checking all my weapons they are ready to go so I do the same for Milli. Driving for about 45 minutes they pull up to a 5 star hotel, waiting twenty minutes I call Troy to get their information. Putting on our trench coats and go inside after getting a room on the same floor we are on our way. Taking the stairs two and three at a time we reach the seventh floor, walking up to their room I waste no time pulling outmy gun with the silencer. Pulling the trigger four times quickly I kick then door in shooting until I can take cover. When I peep around the corner I was not prepare for what I seen even with all my training. They ugh I can't even think it, he had her tied to the bed getting busy atleast I don't have to worry about her. Pulling out an extra clip I unload the rest of my bullets, releasing the clip I let it drop and it the floor in sync with the sound I reloaded Milli would be the only one to know I'm already ready to shoot we perfected this move together. Hearing his soft foot steps heading towards me swiftly I pull my trusty knife. Counting the seconds that seem like hours even days to me I crouched down, hearing him fire off his first and second shot hitting the mirror. I thrusted my knife into his left thigh shooting his right thigh twice, swiftly disarming him by kicking his hurt legs from under him. Kicking his gun further into the room I walk towards the bed were ms. V is trying to undo her right handcuff " ah tsk tsk tsk where do you think your going? Huh? Why are you after my daughter?" "Fuck you you're not as great as you think." " fuck this small talk shit your dead anyways tell me what I want to know and I'll make it quick. What's your choice?" " your stupid if you think my daughter would let you kill me she may be your best friend but I'm her mother ha ha ha" " you do realize you tried killing your daughter hell she might kill you herself. What happen to the laughing did you forget that whack ass mission you sent us on huh she was shot twice where were you giving him information on us to kill us for what?" " kill me cause I'll never tell you remember I've been doing this long before the two of you." Out of nowhere I see blood coming from the side of her head " I'm your fucking daughter and you use me like I'm nothing you raised Ashleigh like your own what the hell is wrong with you trying to kidnap my goddaughter are you fucking crazy whatever she does to you I support her 100% your nothing to me." With that she pulls the trigger and kills J.B. then walks out the room. " well you heard her what's it going to be?"" It's your fault he left me because I took you in and raised you like my own left me unable to conceive no matter how hard I tried then you get pregnant and just leave to live the perfect life like I didn't give everything away for what nothing fuck you I hope you all burn in hell." After that I shot her in the head and walked out looking for Milli.

* 5 years later *

Picking up Ameila from school we head to the daycare and get Justin jr. Yes I have two kids now I had him implanted. I'm retired from being an assassin I only do training during school hours, Milli is the owner and head mistress for the school. It's really different now we work with the police sometimes tracking down criminals like child predators, human trafficking things that's are truly important she also donated 1/4 of the money to child organization for starving and homeless children. Kim keeps in touch she comes around for holidays and birthdays she is married with a set if twins that are two. Troy designs computers for the government their unhackable lol only he can hack them go figure. Micah builds bombs for the military he also teaches class for bomb squad three times a week.


Milli- is me one of my middle names is Jarmillia

Ashleigh- is really my bestie for ten years now Ashley

Troy- is my nephew latroy he loves video games and computers

Micah- is also my nephew Jamicah no they aren't really twins but they are brothers

Ms. V- is my mom sorry mom for killing you off

Kim- was just random but I do have a sister with the name Kim in it and if you are reading this no I didn't add you in cause you'd want me to pay you


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