2- Do You Believe Me Now?

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Hey again!!

This story is dedicated to the lovely fangodess_author for giving me my first two votes! Yay!!!

So I really hope this doesn't suck, and I'm trying to keep these guys in character as much as possible! How do you think I'm doing?

Good night, world!

Chapter Two

~Older Girl's POV~

The woman named Natasha releases the straps from my wrists and ankles and all of them tense, expecting me to attack. But I don't. I'm too tired. My scar hurts and I just want to get out of here.

They leave without a word, closing the door shut, and locking it more than likely. It doesn't matter. I know I'm in some kind of compound, and there is no way I will be able to get out, especially since I would have to get her out too.

I roll over on the bed, then wince in pain. The scar on my collarbone is hurting now that Thor's brother, Loki I think, has touched it. I start to rub it, thinking that it might help, but I pull back an instant later, barely keeping in my gasp of pain. It still hurts, badly.

I close my eyes, but images from last night come floating back, and with a snap, I open them back up. I'm freezing, but I don't have the energy to sit up and pull the covers over me.

Suddenly, I hear a scream. And then I gasp, because it's my baby sister who is screaming. They're hurting her. They're torturing her. They're killing her.

No, no, no.

Energy pulses through my body and I leap off the bed, running to the door. I yank on the handle, hysterically trying to open it, but there is no use: it's locked. I begin to cry hysterically as I bang on the door; I hear her scream again and I collapse on the floor, begging the door to open.

"Please!" I scream, panicked. "Don't hurt her anymore! Take me instead, I'll go!"

Nobody replies to my anguished screams, and I finally fall to the floor, curled up in a ball, shaking hard as I sob, trying to cry my pain away and trying to take away hers too.

A few minutes later, I hear the lock of the door clicking. Seconds later, the door opens, and light glares into the small room. My eyes are still closed, though, and I don't even care. I don't care who is here. I don't care if they kill me, as long as they leave her alone.

"Go away!" I croak, sensing someone standing next to me. I assume it's that Natasha woman and I shriek, "Don't hurt her, plea-"

"They're not hurting her," says an accented, male voice, clearly not Natasha.

Surprised, I look up, pushing the strands of hair from my face. Then I glare. It's Loki.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" I growl.

Loki calmly walks into the room, closing the door behind him. Great. Now I'm locked in a room with some sort of costumed mad man. "I'm used to people not believing me, so believe me, I couldn't care less."

"Come any closer to me, and I'll knock you out," I threaten as Loki steps a foot in my direction.

He raises his eyebrows. "Yes, because that certainly worked out splendidly last time."

"That was just luck," I snarl.

Loki opens his arms dismissively and smiles widely. "Try me."

I stare at him for a second, and then I am on my feet, lunging for him. In no time at all, he has me by my arms, against him, and I can't move a muscle.

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα