23- Escape

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Hey, so here's a new chapter! Hope you like it- it took me a really long time for some reason :) 

 Chapter Twenty Three: Escape

~Thea's POV~

Jack and I plan our escape very carefully. While I raid the kitchen (again) to get some supplies, he infiltrates the computer systems, trying to get information on the Imeldi camp's location. I had originally wanted to do the infiltrating, but Jack claimed that he was more experienced in this field. We didn't have much time to debate, so I just let it happen.

Thankfully, Natasha isn't in our room, so I have the whole space to pack up. Jack had found a few duffel bags in storage, so while I wait for him to get back from one of the computer labs, I begin to pack. I had locked the door just in case, although I honestly don't expect anyone to come inside.

As I stuff some first-aid supplies into my bag, I consider Jack's loyalty. He seems reliable enough, but I have to consider the fact that he is Barton's nephew and apparently a very skilled intern. Still, he has seemed enthusiastic so far, but I can't let go of the fact that I am basing my trust in him solely because he seems nice, he has a sister like me, has a nose for trouble, and seems to have something against Loki.

One of the things I have stolen-well, borrowed temporarily- is a location device. If it turn it on, it will allow members of the Nest to be able to track me down. It's not for me: it's for Jack. He might be unwilling to let me go into the Imeldi camp alone, and I am unwilling for him to risk any more for me than he already has. However, I might need his help getting past the S.H.I.E.L.D. guards surrounding the camp. In any case, if I absolutely have to, to protect Jack, I can knock him out (probably) and then attach the location device to him so that someone can find him. I don't want to have to do that, but I might have to.

A knock interrupts my thoughts. I am about to panic when Jack's voice comes floating through the door. "It's me!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, I open the door for him. "What'd you find out?" I look at the collection of papers in his hands curiously.

He grins. "Lots. It was almost too easy- there wasn't even anyone in there. Anyway, I discovered that the Imeldi camp is ten miles from here. Not too far by any standards. I also have the blueprints for two S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. One of them, the base not far from here. It's like a mini place for those fancy S.H.I.E.L.D. agents like Fury to hang out at. It's two miles from here."

"Yeah, Barton mentioned that to me today," I say.

"The other one is the one we want. The one guarding the Imeldi. It's actually pretty small considering it's a place that's guarding some alien force, but what have you."

"And that's going to be where you stop and head back to the Nest," I confirm.

Jack shrugs. "Yep." But the daring look in his eyes tells me that I might have to put that location detector to use.  

I clear my throat. "So you said it was too easy to get these things. What makes you say that?"

"There wasn't anyone in there," he says, tossing me a few blankets, which I try to stuff in each of our packs. "The blueprints for the other S.H.I.E.L.D. base- the one we don't care about- were actually up on the computer screen. It was really odd."

"Yeah..." I say, my thoughts wandering. "Odd."

"Well, then I found a coffee cup and some keys. Someone apparently was on a break. I actually barely got out of there in time before some lady walked in. It scared the bejeezers out of me, I will tell you that."

I nod, slightly relieved.

"So where are you going to hide this?" asks Jack, gesturing to some of the supplies as he begins to help me pack. "You said Natasha doesn't always sleep in here, but we can't rely on her not being in here when you try to sneak out."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now