8- Searing Hot and Red (*)(/)

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Trying to get my dedication working.... wink wink to a certain someone :-) 

Don't forget to comment....AAAAND vote. 

Love ya'll. 


Chapter Eight

I skip dinner, making up the excuse that I had already eaten, electing instead to pace around the ship. When I get to lap four, Tony sticks his head out of his office and says, "Hey kid, get in here for a few minutes will you?"

I want to protest, but I don't, ignoring the stinging pain on my collar bone. "What?" I ask, walking into the lab. Dr. Banner isn't here, but Steve is. He seems to be inspecting some sort of metal beam.

Tony doesn't reply; he just begins touching thin air. A screen appears with what seems to be a blue print.

"Well?" I ask, trying not to look mildly interested in what he's doing. "What did you want?"

He glances at me, nonplussed. "Nothing. I was just getting tired of you watching you walk in circles."

I blink at him.

"Problem?" he asks, walking over to Steve and grabbing a wrench from the table. As he walks past me, he lightly nudges my arm with the wrench. "Stop looking like a statue. It's disturbing."

"So you called me in here for nothing." I say dully.

Tony pretends to consider this for a couple seconds, swinging the wrench around in a circle. "Yeah, pretty much." He replies.

"Okay..." I say. "You're weird, and I'm leaving."

"Excuse me, did my ears deceive me?"

"No." I say, then walk out of the room.

"I'm not weird, kid!"

I ignore him, although I can't help but smile wryly.

The sun has set, and the ship, although still plenty staffed, isn't that crowded- I only pass a few crew members on my way up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway.

However, as I approach the stairs that lead to the control room downstairs, I hear Fury yelling something to someone. Not wanting to cross paths with the S.H.I.E.L.D director, I sidestep. Instead of walking downstairs, I open a side door that leads to another hallway.

This hallway isn't crowded either. Actually, only one crew member walks past me as I carefully close the door. Clearly, this isn't a very busy area; it just has some stacked crates, and at the end of the hall, I see a door that leads out of the hallway. There are a couple other, smaller doors on the walls, which I assume are for storage.

Once again, Fury's loud voice disturbs the peace, and I head for the door at the end of the hall. But first, my ears prick up as I hear movement behind me.

Whirling around, I groan. Loki is standing there, with his hands behind his back. "Will everyone stop bothering me?" I moan, not really to anyone, mostly at the ceiling.

"Apparently not," comes Loki's unapologetic reply.

"Go...away..." I say, glancing at the door, which looks even more wonderful now, even though I have no idea where it leads. Since I'm near the control room though, I venture that it has something to do with machinery.

"I'd rather not,"

"The world doesn't run on your command," I say, beginning to edge towards the door. "I think you might have learned that last time you were here."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now