9- When Can I Go Home? (*)

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Enjoy all! :) Dedicated to my kindest and most supportive fan! <3

Chapter Nine

Nobody's POV

When the first screams echo through the hallway, Thor walks into the room Leah has been calling home for the past several days and finds her leaning against her bed, crying. He shuts the door behind him quietly, blocking the majority of Thea's anguished cries, and walks over to the girl, barely making a noise, although his cape swishes slightly.

"Leah," he says quietly.

She doesn't look up, but her body begins to rack with sobs. "Leah," sighs Thor, sitting next to her and wrapping his arms around her small frame. "Leah,"

For a bit, he just holds her, letting her cry. Finally, Leah looks up at Thor, her lip trembling and her eyes red from crying. Her mousy colored hair is tangled. "Is it happening to Thea?"

"Yes," says Thor gently. "But she is going to be all right. She is young and strong."

A particularly loud shriek comes from the hallway, and even the heavy door cannot hide the sound. Leah begins to cry again, and Thor soothes, "It will be over soon. It does not take long."

"Why did it have to be me?" sobs Leah. "Why did God have to take mommy and daddy from me and Thea? Why did the aliens have to hurt my family?"

Thor grimaces, taking his time in formulating his answer. Then, he says, "I cannot tell you why fate decided to take you this way."

Leah leans against him, wiping her nose. "When can I go home?"

Thor hesitates, trying to decide whether or not to tell her. Then, he says as calmly as possible, "Leah, your home is no more."

"Wha-a-t?" asks Leah, her head jerking up.

"The Imel-the aliens destroyed your dwelling- Darling, please do not cry." He adds as Leah begins to cry again, mixed in with a few coughs.

"But I want to go home!" she wails. "I can't stay here for-forever."

"I know," says Thor softly. "You will not stay forever. Just long enough for us to figure out what your attackers mean and long enough to avenge your family and the lives of others they no doubt have marred."

Leah sniffs. "How long will that be?"

"As to that, I do not know."

"Where's Jane?"

"So many questions," he teases, but then replies, "She is with Tony Stark and Dr. Banner, looking over some artifacts and iridium samples."

"How much longer will she be?"

"I do not know," Thor says, "Once Jane has begun her work, she gener-"

"Not Jane. Thea."

"Ah." Thor glances towards the closed door. "Soon, Leah. Very soon."

Another scream echoes through the surroundings, and Leah shudders, her shoulders shaking as she continues to cry. Thinking quickly, Thor says, "Tell me about your life on earth."

"I don't have one anymore," Leah cries.

Thor frowns at the little girl's blunt response, so dull and dark. Looking at her, he realizes that she has been scarred and that it will take a very long time to be able to heal her.

"Well at least tell me this," says Thor. "What do you like to do?"

As Thor wipes her face of some of the tears, she says in a small voice, "I like to draw. Thea does too. She teaches me. And one day, we-"

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now