24- Learning to Listen

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Chapter Twenty Four: Learning to Listen

~Nobody's POV~                

Barton looks down at his nephew, with an expression of barely concealed amusement. "You've taken a real shine to Thea, haven't you?"

Crossing his arms, Jack leans across the bunk and doesn't say anything.

"Although... you were willing to give her up to the Imeldi."

"If it makes it better," Jack says dryly, still not looking at his uncle. "I had planned on knocking her out if I had been forced to the matter."

Barton raises his eyebrows. "You're telling me that the only reason you agreed to help her was to gain her trust... and maybe her affections, but we won't talk about that."

"Basically," says Jack.

Barton regards his nephew, then tosses him something small and square with a few lights and a thin wire protruding from the top.

Jack turns it over in his hands, semi-curiously. "What's this, then?"

"Location device, hidden in Thea's pocket."


"So, your dearly beloved apparently planned on knocking you out too. Probably so that you wouldn't come face-to-face with the Imeldi."

Jack, who doesn't look entirely shocked at revealed usage of the location device, says simply, "I never told her I was going to."

"Thea's smart, Jack, and I reckon cleverer than you think she might be. She doesn't need you to tell her that you will be going after those brutes." He smiles slightly. "And neither do I."

"Where is she?" asks Jack, turning away from the question.

"Loki is with her."

"I just saw Loki walk past the room."

Barton frowns. "You sure it was her?"

"He scowled at me like the git he is," says Jack. "It was him."

He shrugs. "Then Thea's probably around here somewhere. Now listen, Jack, be more careful next time, okay bud?" He claps Jack on the shoulder. "See you later."

As soon as Barton has walked down the hall, Jack jumps up and runs out of the room, dashing out of the Nest as night begins to creep along the edges of the sky. He heads out towards the path he had seen Loki and Thea take. There is nobody down there, and he frowns as he peers around the dark corners, slightly on edge at the abandonment of the area.

The first few doors open to reveal storage space, mostly food and canisters of water. He's about to turn back when he hears an anguished sob from the heavily padlocked door at the end of the hall. He runs forward, skidding to a halt in front of it. "Thea?!"

There's a second of silence, and then he hears the unmistakable wail of Thea from the other side of the door. "Thea!" He grasps the handle, but it refuses to budge. "That creep, that git, that lunatic," he mutters. He turns back towards the door. "Hold on one second, Thea! It's okay, I'll get you out!"

He runs back towards the Nest and finds Barton talking to a few other agents- thankfully, Loki isn't around. "Clint!" he gasps. "Clint... you've got to come quickly, that moron locked her up, and she's screaming and Clint, I'm going to kill him and-"

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now