4- I'm a Human Timer, Loki!

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Hi again!!! So I'm suffering from writer's block on my other stories, so I'm taking it out on this one! :) Tell me what ya'll think!

Chapter Four

~Older Girl's POV~

Tony gets me cleared to be able to walk around the craft by myself, with no supervision. Although I'm not entirely sure that's true, because I know for a fact that there are cameras probably every five feet on this thing.

I try to get Leah to be free too, but Tony and Thor refuse. Tony, because he doesn't want to bother Fury any more than he already has, and Thor because he doesn't think Leah is strong enough.

My mind is still going a million miles per hour since the meeting. I can't help peeling back part of my shirt and looking at the mark on my skin that the Imeldi apparently left. It still burns, and there is a redness about it that would suggest infection had it been an ordinary wound.

Loki had said the only way to get rid of the venom was a way that would, to say the least, be extremely painful and I couldn't even be knocked out. I'm not really worried about me, but I am extremely worried about Leah. How long does it last? How do I even know if Loki is telling the truth? Natasha didn't seem to, and I'm not sure I do either. But a tiny part of me does believe it, and it leaves me terrified.

I reach a part of the ship I am very unfamiliar with. It was a long hallway, with glass doorways and windows every so often, revealing what I assume to be laboratories. Most of them are empty, but I see a few scientists walking around, looking at odd-looking instruments. I walk quicker, curious.

At the end of the hallway, I reach one particularly large lab. I peek inside the glass window and am surprised to see Tony and the man I recall to be Dr. Banner inside. Tony is pressing some sort of screen that seems to be suspended in mid-air, and Dr. Banner is hovering over something. When he shifts, I see that it is a sort of gun.

Memories slam through me, and I realize with distaste that I have seen that gun before. Along with yellow eyes and razor sharp-

I jump, because Dr. Banner has looked up and spotted me. Shoot. He walks to the doorway, opens the door and says with a smile, "You can come in if you want to."

Surprised that I wasn't going to be yelled at, I walk inside.

"Hey, who invited the kid?" asks Tony, not looking up from his work.

"I did," replies Dr. Banner calmly, going back to his table.

"My name's not kid," I say fiercely. Dr. Banner smiles again.

Tony still doesn't look at me as he fiddles around with some more of the screens. "Well you haven't exactly given me anything else to call you. What about Spider?"

"Spider?" I sneer. "Where did that come from?"

"You know, Spy-der. Because you, young lady," he looks up long enough to point some kind of screwdriver at me, "Have successfully managed to spy on an extremely secret meeting. Mind telling me how you pulled that off again?"

"I'd rather not," I say stiffly.

Tony shrugs nonchalantly, going back to his work. "Figured you would say that."

I watch both of them work for a couple minutes. Then, bored, I begin to walk out of the door until I hear Dr. Banner's voice. "Hey, come here real quick, would you?"

Frowning, I walk towards his desk, automatically shying away from the gun. Half of it is covered in plastic, but the other one is practically dissected like a lab frog, The metal has been torn apart, and wires dart in and out of the material. "What?"

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now